You will not hear this publicly but the Hamas victory in Gaza will transform American strategy in the Middle East. Why? The Hamas bloody and barbaric victory was at the hands of Shi’ite Iran’s training and weapons supply. Hamas also has received huge cash support from Saudi Arabia.
So here is the scenario for Israel: a well trained Hamas in Gaza; an antiquated yet a schmoozer for arms from the West for the PLO (Fatah dominated) in the West Bank East of Israel; a military mobilizing Syria (and client of Iran) North and East of Israel; and Hezbollah (client of Syria and Iran) North of Israel.
The picture is one of hostility completely surrounding Israel. This is an Israel that had its image seriously chipped by Hezbollah in fighting in Lebanon.
Then there is America. Publicly America is Israel’s number one protector and ally. Leftist politicians are displaying America’s vulnerable guts to radical Islamists demonstrating the powerful American military does not have the political backing of its people to fight a prolonged war to a victory. For the Islamists this is a stark picture of insufferable weakness.
Now that I painted this word picture for you consider this. At Haditha in Iraq American soldiers have been accused of massacring 24 Iraqis in revenge for protecting insurgents that murdered a buddy of the soldiers. This story garnered global hysteria over alleged brutality by the American military. Here we are nearly a year later and the Mainstream Media has nearly abandoned the story. Why? As more and more information is developing it is appearing that the dead were staged by Sunni insurgents to make Americans look bad. The implication is the so-called civilians were indeed aiding the insurgents who used Haditha citizens that supported the insurgents as human shields as the insurgents made their escape.
Did people die by American hands? Probably; however the deaths were the result of indigenous support for insurgents who used them as human shields.
Were we not speaking of Hamas and Israel? Here is the thing. The swift Hamas victory was not performed in an ethical way. If Americans or Israelis won a victory in the same way that Hamas had done, there would be Leftist and Arab sympathizers calling for War Crimes Justice. Hamas entered hospitals firing weapons. Hamas drug Fatah supporters and police into the streets and executed them (often in a brutish desecrating manner). Hamas would throw Fatah people off of buildings to their death.
Where was the Mainstream Media and Leftist cry of the abuse of Geneva Conventions. POW’s were executed not rounded up and interned. The thing that makes this even more horrendous is that the devilish barbarism was executed on fellow Palestinian-Arabs. We hear of Gitmo inmates interned as enemy combatants and possibly the receivers of torture. We hear that these terrorists have had their Geneva Conventions violated (doubtful since they do not represent a nation that signed the Accords) and so on.
BUT Hamas in full view of cameras barbarically murdered their perceived enemy combatants in the streets, in the hospitals, in their homes and more. WHERE IS THE GLOBAL OUTRAGE!?
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