Saturday, June 30, 2007

Iran: Have You Heard Fight Fire With Fire?

Let us do that thing that Appeasers and Leftist fear. Let us dwell on the Iran issue vis-a-vie American National Interests.

Iran trains, supports and arms Hamas, Hezbollah and fellow rogue nation Syria. Iran supplies Shi’ite radicals in Iraq. Iran has aided insurgency in Afghanistan. Iran worst of all is developing weapons nuclear technology that only an idiot would believe will not turn into nuclear weapons.

These are serious acts of global intrusion that destabilizes the Middle East and consequently America and the global economy. Why? Because the life blood of multiple national economies is not the value of currency and national debts owned by whatever other nation. In this stage of the Earth’s history EVERYTHING is centered surrounding oil/petroleum.

Thus one of the greatest sources of global angst (or should be) is that rogue nations or nations dominated by fanatical theological nations. That place is the Middle East for the most part. Iran is the center of destabilization yet Wahhabi Islamofascist Theo-political thinking dominates the Big Dog Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is currently in America’s camp only because the Saudi leadership realizes that is a counterweight to Twelver Shi’ite Iran. That means Saudi Arabia is not a solid ally. The Saudi leadership has to play a Machiavellian political game between assuaging American Interests and placating the radical Wahhabi Theo-political ideology of mainstream Saudi citizens.

Given the correct catalyst Saudi Arabia could be the next national government in favor of a Wahhabi National Saudi revolution.

Iran was a solid American ally under the brutal Shah who alienated his people by attempting to Westernize Iran. President Carter abandoned the Shah when American support could have been used thus establishing the Iranian Revolution and the deposing of the Shah. Iran’s government switched from a repressive Shah operated government to an Islamofascist intolerant Mullahcracy.

This Mullahcracy is bent on spreading Mohammedanism as they view their prophet had done in the 600’s. Global destabilization is the goal because the Twelver Shi’ites believes this will bring global chaos. The onset of global chaos will bring the Lost Twelfth Imam – the Mahdi. The Mahdi will force the world into Mohammedanism or so the Twelvers believe.

So again let us consider Iran.

Another invasion would stretch the American Military a bit too much. Not to mention the Leftists might experience an aneurism or throw themselves into seizures over the audacity of protecting American National Interests from psychotic conquering wannabee Islamofascists.

Here is an interesting option that does not include invasion: Exact a military blockade on gas imports into Iran. I have learned from a Max Boot article in “
contentions” that Iran does not have many refineries to accommodate their volumes of oil. Indeed the Iranian populace is currently rioting over gas shortages and gas prices in oil rich Iran. What an irony that is!

Messing with Islamofascist Iran’s economy its government may collapse upon itself ending the Mullahcracy government. America can fight destabilization with destabilization.

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