Saturday, November 04, 2006

Politics and Christianity

By John R. Houk Editor
© November 4, 2006

My Web-Master tells me I need to get Scripture off of the lead story at Implying I might be offending someone and lose readers. Oh well, I am a radical Christian Right kind of guy. I believe “morality” is one of the major political issues of a free America.

Secular Humanism funneled by the American Left (meaning the Democratic Party) has been attempting to transform America from its Christian foundations to an egalitarian democracy. Result of this transformation has been the erosion of a sense of community America has enjoyed and which has made America inherently strong.

Friends (and enemies) I am definitely not a “Separation of Church and State” person. I know this makes Conservative as well as Left Wingers unhappy. I am not a person that believes a Christian theocracy will save the day for America. Nonetheless, I am a person that believes that our Christian foundations are the root of what has made America a tolerant melting pot of multiple races and ideologies. Note that melting pot means assimilation and not segregated diversification. What makes the American melting pot unique is the American motto “E Pluribus Unum” – Out of many, One.

The Slanted Left has tried to erase E Pluribus Unum. The Slanted Left wishes to transform American democracy into the Leftist form practiced in Europe: Varietate ConcordiaUnity in Diversity. This is where it is a hate crime to write or publicly speak Biblical morality that condemns homosexuality or religions divergent from Christianity.

Europe is where Christianity becomes a hate crime while Mohammedanism is given privileges beyond secularism in the name of appeasing diversity.

Varietate Concordia promotes hatred because it sows seeds of mistrust of fellow citizens. Varietate Concordia will lead to un-American practices of polygamy to appease the need of foreign religion. Varietate Concordia will lead to same sex marriage abominations so that the majority will not offend a minority of homosexuals’ validated secular humanistic moral relativity.

I would that Christians become very political before it is too late. Separation of Church and State means the State cannot make a National Church. Freedom of religion is the freedom to plant Christian principles into our public and community lives to strengthen the foundations of moral community first on a local level then by extension to the national level.

If you are a Christian and you think Separation of Church and State principles upholds your ability to freely practice religion, think again. Separation of Church and State principles enable Secular Humanism to run rough shod like an enfranchised State Church over your religion. Liberal Christians may agree with this now, however the future will make Christianity illegal in favor of the disguised secularism of the religion of Secular Humanism.

Even Secular Humanism may be opening a Pandora’s Box that will destroy secular thought. A key element of Secular Humanism is Political Correctness. Political Correctness has enabled Mohammedanism to begin forming little states within States in Europe. Out of Political Correctness, tolerance and diversity; many European nations and the EU do not interfere with Mohammedan practice of Sharia Law even thought Sharia breaks the legal code of a nation or the EU. Thanks to radical groups like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), this agenda is emerging with the validation of Secular Humanistic Leftists in America.

So, should I utilize Biblical Scripture on a politically Conservative website? You are God Blessed right I should.

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