Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Iran Is Going Nuclear, The World Does Nothing

Neocon Express is blogging about Iranian nuclear proliferation. He makes a point that Iran has successfully thumbed its Islamofascist nose at any Western nation that has protested Iran’s journey to becoming a nuclear State. He also points out that President Bush may go down in history as the only man who could have done something about Iran and failed to take action.

In defense of President Bush, the 2006 election may have tied his hands. The voters have placed a Democratic Party in charge in both Houses of Congress. The Voters not only ties the purse strings for a Presidential agenda with Iran, it also stamps the will of those who voted to take a step back from war.

So really President Bush may be criticized by history, but it will be the ignorance of American voters not understanding the malignancy of Mohammedanism.

It boggles my mind the blind ignorance the Western World is exposing of itself. Mohammedanism is solidifying its extremism in Mohammedan lands, it is using Western Freedom and Rights to trample and the laws of Western lands and wherever secularism dominates in the West – special privileges awarded Mohammedans imposes their religion on the ever decreasing practicing Christian adherents.

It is getting to the point that if the West survives, it will be a huge period of years of extreme violence executed on Mohammedans. Just think – If Western nations united now to squelch the proliferation of violent and radical Mohammedanism, that violent future could be avoided.

Or … the West will submit to dhimmitude and extinction with a Mohammedan victory. It is our choice: to win to lose.

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