Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Is Europe Folding?

Daniel Pipes has written a book review of Mark Steyn’s book release - America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It (Regnery). Pipes’ review is quite worth the read. I personally have not read the book, but I am putting on the wish list.

Pipes surmises that Steyn believes that Europe as the cradle of Western Civilization is coming to an end. Why? Steyn believes that Mohammedanism is suited to take over a culture that has become to liberal to protect itself.

Much of prognostication points to this finality; however I do not if I totally agree. All Europe needs is a catalyst to reject the Islamofascist nature of Sharia Law. Whatever that catalyst is, it will be a time of extremely bloody times. Mohammedanism will have become extremely entrenched and will not leave willingly. For Europe to reclaim their culture, it will take a violent reaction similar to the Spanish Inquisition.

The thing that I am doubtful about is European reclamation probably will not be a defend Christianity action. Rather I think the violence will be much like the French Revolution before Napoleon Bonaparte: a dark human defense of fraternity, liberty and justice.

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