Friday, April 28, 2006

Spare the Rod, Spoil the Palestinian-Arab

Who is punishing the Palestinian-Arab? They have elected a government that supports terrorism, effectively confirming the Palestinian Authority as a terrorist organization. In fact the PA was a terrorist organization before the Hamas election; Fatah merely hid that fact in political duplicity with the West.

Hamas is merely overt with its actions and doctrines. The Palestinian-Arab understands that he is a terrorist in general or they would not have elected Hamas or Fatah to lead the PA. Why should the West (America and the EU) support an organization that intent (overt or covert) is to be a terrorist that wishes the destruction of the Land of Israel and Jews globally? It is not punishment to withhold funds from the PA, it is logical in light of the PA's intention.

If America and the EU are concerned about Palestinian-Arab civilians (is there such a thing?), they should join Israel and throw the current terrorists out of PA leadership. A joint military occupation similar (to how America occupied Japan) should ensue. The joint military government should groom democratic elites that accept Israel and run the PA schools to reverse the teaching of hatred to children. Then have an election with the Palestinian-Arab to see where there heart has developed. If they are still a nationality of terrorists, give them a choice to immigrate to other Arab lands or accept Israeli sovereignty.

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