Mohammedans in the West Bank and Gaza strip are intent to be incorrigible brats. The so-called Palestinian-Arabs expect money for their murderous agenda of exterminating Israel. America cut them off immediately, just recently the EU followed suit.
The EU has tagged continued financial aid to the governing Hamas accepting the existence of Israel and the renouncing of violence against Israel. Yeah, like that is going to happen. The Islamofascist terrorists are psycho-incorrigible brats. If they were teenagers they would have been institutionalized for being uncontrolable. If making Hamas and the pseudo-Palestinians do not shape up after being made to stand in the corner in a time out, what is the next step?
The troika of America, the EU and Israel should spank the PA and Hamas. The Religion of Peace only understands violence and sometimes a brat only understands physical punishment. The motivation to comply should be upped until submission results. After all Mohammedans should understand submission, that is what they call their religion - Islam (submission).
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