By John R. Houk
© 4/27/2006
Here is the opening paragraph regarding Roe VS Wade in The New Republic:
The New Republic's editorial line on abortion has always had the virtue of contrarianism. If Roe v. Wade were ever to topple, this magazine argues, it would be bad news for the pro-life Republicans who hate Roe--and good news for the pro-choice Democrats who have fought to keep it. Once the issue migrates from the courts to the political arena, Republicans would no longer have the luxury of an abortion politics that consists of slogans and symbols and handed-down opinions. Republican politicians would finally be forced either to support new bans on abortion (thus alienating the political middle) or stand down (thus alienating their pro-life base). Either way, the costs for the GOP would be high. At least, that has been the counter-intuitive TNR scenario.
This one of the most absurd line of thinking I have read in any Media in quite some time. The implication is that repealing Roe VS Wade would be a political defeat for the Republican Party.
Of course the opposite is hugely true. Taking Roe VS Wade away from the Federal Judiciary and moving it to the State level Legislatures will actually do more to de-polarize the pro-life/pro-choice politics which exists on a national scale. In fact, the absence of such a political ball and chain will enable greater trust in the Republican Party by voters. The greater trust will translate into long over due legislation on issues that the material lives of Americans: viz., Tax reform, Social Security Reform and Healthcare Reform.
Moral issues are huge to the much of the electorate, however that issue should be dealt with on a local scale in which voters can be happier with the results in their State or region of their State.
If you have read this blog, you know that I regard the practice of homosexuality as a sin before God Almighty. I am also aware homosexuals in San Francisco probably could care less about what Preacher so-and-so preaches in Bible Belt America. Allow morality to be decided by those the issues affect on a local basis.
Allow the power of the spoken word as a vehicle of persuasion be a choice for voters. Let us forsake Joe Conservative Judge in Bible Belt America and John Liberal Judge in Liberal America in favor of local voters deciding issues pertaining to morality.
I strongly disagree with The New Republic, repealing of Roe VS Wade would lead to a boon of potential reform for the Republican Party to tackle.
How would the repeal of Roe VS Wade affect the Democratic Party? The New Republic implies the repeal of RVW would ruin the Republican Party, implying a strengthening of the Democratic Party. Personally I think the repeal of RVW will break the Democratic Party into splinter groups in which another Political Party will emerge with a new consensus to confront the Republican Party. If the new Political Party has a consensus, what kind of consensus would viably challenge the ideas of the Republican Party?
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