Islamofascist Ahmadinejad of Iran is quoted as saying,
"Like it or not, the Zionist regime is heading toward annihilation. The Zionist regime is a rotten, dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm."
Think of those last two words - ONE STORM. That sounds like an imminent nuke attack to me. Yes, I am aware of the so-called political realists that claim that Iran is years away from the amount of fissionable material to make a nuke WMD. I might even agree with that daring analysis. However here is a thought: The defunct Soviet Union has not accounted for all its nuclear warheads since it ceased to be a Communist Empire. In fact some of the warheads that were to be transferred from Ukraine to Russia never made their destination. To whence did those warheads go? Indeed this is speculation. Another thought: The defunct Soviet Union created a sort of brief case nuke weapon to detonate on a small scale designed for clandestine infiltration. Many of those little WMD's are not accounted for either. Hmm... To whence did they go? It is quite possible that (God forbid) a terrorist has acquired such weapons or a rogue nation such as Iran. Iran has demonstrated to the world that the have missiles that can travel to Israel and torpedoes that can move quickly and nearly undetectable at sea. Might some of these WMD devices have been manipulated if acquired by Iran? Think again of Ahmadinejad's words: "The Zionist regime is a rotten, dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm."
[*The full article about Ahmadinejad's Islamofascist prophecy can be read at SlantRight.com]
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