The Slantright.com website has an article on the specifics of the CAIR failed law suits HERE.
David Frum establishes the connection that CAIR and CAIR-Canada has with terrorism. Specifically there is a connection to the (Death to Israel) terrorist organization known as Hamas. CAIR ideologically supports Hamas.
Due to this I suspect that CAIR lauders money as donations to Hamas and conversely I suspect CAIR receives funds from Hamas.
Hamas front organizations in America have raised millions of dollars for Hamas in America before that funding was shut down. Here is the surprise to deluded liberals, CAIR leadership have been linked to those front organizations. Lower level CAIR members have been directly linked to terrorists.
American and Canada needs to wake up! CAIR's intentions are to diminish Christianity and Judaism and by any means necessary inculcate Mohammedanism in North America.
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