Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bradley: Christians are ‘Imprisoned’ if Against Gays

I have no idea who Peter M. Bradley of Britain is, but the singular minded anti-homosexual rights group known as the Americans for Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH) seem to have raised the attention of Mr. Bradley. Come to think of it, it is probably a good thing I do not know who Mr. Bradley is.

Bradley recently sent an email showing his Gay Rights feelings on his shoulder and his Christophobic thinking in his writing.

You are very lucky that you live in the United States as we have laws in the United Kingdom about inciting hatred based on sexual orientation… here you would be imprisoned; and justly so. I have never seen such a diatribe of prejudiced rubbish in my entire life. Also the fact that your life’s work is dedicated (every day) to furthering your cause of hatred astounds me. Do you have nothing better to do with your time? I thought that Christians were meant to be out building wells in Africa where help is needed, not dressing up in smart suits waging campaigns against marginalised groups of people. I wonder what God thinks of you making decisions for him? Maybe if America had a more united culture like we do in the UK it may be more tolerant of all groups - we over here in Europe see you as a very disparate country made up of groups that know nothing about each other, and who have very little respect for diversity. You should take some lessons from the old world… it seems we have advanced much more than you have.

Peter M Bradley (Source:

This is pretty much a summary I often get from angry homosexuals who vehemently dislike my stand that homosexuality equals immorality to the Christian faith. Homosexuals love to pour on the hatorade on Christians by calling them bigots or betrayers of the Christian love or Brotherhood. In other words rather than face up to the Biblical immorality of homosexuality, homosexual activists attempt to use the primary tools of Satan: deception and shame.

I don’t know how many times I have a homosexual apologist say Scripture does not mean what it says before the readers eyes. Often time followed by a warped interpretation of the New Testament or the brutality of the Old Testament (even in the O.T. sometimes I have read the claim Scripture does not mean what it says). Usually the criticism on Scriptural interpretation is closely followed by the tactic that homosexuals are just people like anyone else and the love of the Christian God would not stigmatize normal people like homosexuals. If homosexuals are not considered aberrant in their lifestyle then Biblical Christians are prejudiced bigots who be ashamed of some sort of racism.

PLEASE! That is just twisted thinking attempting to bully Biblical Christians into being quiet.

Interesting AFTAH has been responding to Mr. Bradley on the AFTAH blog. The two I found of interest was the response from
Ron Loree and Laurie Higgins. YOU SHOULD READ THEM (or any other responses that may have come in since this post).


Take the GWOT to the Enemy’s Economy

This story is nearly a year old. I was alerted to it by the blog Report on Arrakis. Here is the story.

Robert Zubrin wrote a book in 2007 entitled “Energy Victory.” The book can be purchased at Zubrin’s promotional website Here is the promotional paragraph on the book:

“Introducing ‘Energy Victory’: a bold plan for breaking the economic stranglehold that the OPEC oil cartel has on our country and the world by best selling author Robert Zubrin”.

I have to be honest I have never heard of Robert Zubrin; nonetheless Kyros of Report on Arrakis got my attention with this short post:

By mandating Flex Fuel Cars, the US Congress can break the oil cartel’s vertical monopoly on the international fuel supply, protecting consumers worldwide from the threat of future unlimited OPEC prices increases, and taking our fate out of the hand’s of terrorism’s financiers.

You have to know why this grabbed my attention. Yes sirree, the price of gas at the pumps. Just imagine having an actual feasible plan to wean Americans away from the oil dependence from a group of people (even if some of the Mohammedan governments pretend to be American friendly) who hate the very air we breathe.

The book “Energy Victory” is probably more relevant now in 2008 than when it was published in 2007. Zubrin has been giving speeches promoting the plan in his book. CSPAN has been running a November 2007 speech. The most recent speech on CSPAN was in April 2008 and can be viewed online at
CSPAN’s website.

On Zubrin’s website there is
a link to a November 2007 review of “Energy Victory which gives a glimpse of Zubrin’s plan to throw a monkey wrench into the domination of foreign dependence on suspect friends and obvious American enemies. The science of oil deliverance is a tad beyond my comprehension; ergo you should go to the book review and let me know what you understand taking a stab in the heart of foreign oil.


Saturday, June 28, 2008

AGAIN! Iran Threatens Reprisal if Nuke Program Attacked

I utilize an InJesus Group known as Prophecy Update frequently as a source of information. Prophecy Update searches for news around the world from secular and Christian sources and puts together a daily report which relates to End Times Prophecy and sends it out as an e-newsletter. As you might guess the focus tends to be the Middle East.

The Middle East for decades now has been growing as a region of Mohammedan hatred toward the West with America and Israel in its telescopes. I think America viewed Islamofascist terrorism as a pesky nuisance until 9/11. Then it became obvious that these Islamic radicals had the ability to exact global terrorism that affects the global economy in a negative way in the West.

Israel has had to deal with this threat from the very time of its modern inception in 1948 when surrounding Arab nations thought they would annihilate Jewish Israelis in a second Holocaust terminating a Jewish homeland before it could even get started.

Obviously the true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had other ideas. The soundly outnumbered Israelis not only repulsed the 1948 invasion, but it has successfully repulsed several other invasions since 1948.

Now the rogue nations of Iran and Syria joined by transnational terrorists like Hezbollah and Hamas have upped the stakes in the constant Mohammedan pursuit to destroy Israel. Iran is becoming a regional hegemon building nuclear plants with the capability of producing weapons grade uranium for nuclear weapons.

Have you looked at a Middle Eastern map lately?
Israel is still a speck of water surrounded by an ocean of hostile Mohammedans. Weary Israel is currently dominated by a government that has fallen hook, line and sinker for the concept that giving up what little Land it has acquired from God ordained victories will result in peace. And yet Iran continues to pursue weapons grade uranium. With the talk of giving up land at least the Israeli government has no illusions what a nuclear armed Iran would mean to the existence of Israel.

With that in mind there has been talk of either an American or Israeli strike against Iranian nuclear facilities (or both) to slow down the manufacturing of weapons grade uranium.

So check out the first two articles from
Prophecy Update. One is from the British Telegraph and the other is from Israel’s Haaretz. Both articles relate Iran is saber rattling that if ANY attempt to strike Iranian nuclear facilities occurs, Iran will blockade the Straits of Hormuz which 40% of the globe’s oil supply is shipped through.

So here is the Iranian tactic: 1) Stand by and assert that their nuclear program is peaceful (Yeah and I have a sand dune for sale real cheap); 2) Tell the UN, America and the EU that we all need to talk about it (stalling for time); or 3) Threaten America and Israel with a retribution that could affect the entire world’s economy and/or safety.

Most of the world appears to lean toward selling out Israel under the delusion an Islamic Agenda will stop in the Middle East; however Europe is already inundated with hostile Mohammedans that are giving every indication of overwhelming the continent with a Mohammedan birthrate.

Geez my fellow Westerners and Americans – WAKE-UP! The cancer of radical Islam has to be nipped in the bud even if it means a world war OR the West will it appease its way into subjugated dhimmitude.

I am not willing to replace my Liberty and Freedom with the despotism of Sharia Law and subservient dhimmitude. Are you?


The “Oppression” of Islam

A former Mohammedan speaks about Islamic propaganda.

JRH 6/28/08

Friday, June 27, 2008

U.S. Supreme Court Issues Landmark Ruling ...

Here are more details on the SCOTUS decision pertaining to the Second Amendment and District of Columbia v. Heller.

JRH 6/27/08

Marriage Protection Amendment introduced in U.S. Senate

Don Wildmon of American Family Association has sent out an alert concerning an Amendment to the Constitution that would battle Slanted Left (oft times fringe Left) Judges that are legislating from the Bench promoting the Homosexual Agenda.

Specifically this Amendment defines marriages as between a male and a female and NOT as between Adam and Steve or Eve and Eilene.

The “Alert” provides a link to contact your Senators to support the Marriage Protection Amendment.

JRH 6/27/08
Your action needed today on a federal constitutional amendment making marriage legal only between a man and a woman

Marriage Protection Amendment introduced in U.S. Senate; forbids forcing homosexual marriage on all Americans

AFA Action Alert
June 26, 2008
Similar Link)

Dear ____________

U.S. Senator Roger Wicker has introduced the Marriage Protection Amendment in the U.S. Senate. This constitutional amendment would keep liberal activist judges from forcing homosexual marriage on every American.

This constitutional amendment simply states: “Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution, nor the constitution of any State, shall be construed to require that marriage or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon any union other than the union of a man and a woman.”

Liberal activist judges in Massachusetts and California, each by a 4-3 margin, have already forced homosexual marriage on their citizens! There is nothing in current law which would keep one judge from legalizing marriage between three men, or two men and four women, or any other combination.

The only way to stop other liberal activist judges from forcing homosexual marriage on Americans is an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That is why your action now is so critical.

Take Action!

Send an e-mail to your
two senators asking them to co-sponsor Sen. Wicker’s amendment.

It is vitally important that you forward this message. The liberal media has totally ignored the Marriage Protection Amendment.

Thank you for caring enough to get involved. If you feel our efforts are worthy of support, would you consider making a small tax-deductible contribution to help us continue?


Donald E. Wildmon,
Founder and Chairman
American Family Association

Please take a few minutes and invite your friends to AFA ActionAlert.


Copyright ©2008 All Rights Reserved

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Original Intent of the 2nd Amendment Upheld by SCOTUS

Well it looks like Montana will not secede from the Union. SCOTUS finally delivered a decision that mirrors the majority of Americans and not the utopianism of American Leftists.

The right for Americans to bear arms on an individual basis was upheld by SCOTUS.

Here is a person favorable to the SCOTUS ruling:

The Supreme Court got it right! The court ruled that an absolute ban on handguns is unconstitutional under the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms.

Our founding fathers were inartful if not clumsy when they drafted the Second Amendment’s preamble which referred to the need for a “well regulated militia.” Anti-gun advocates have seized on that preamble for decades to argue that the Constitution only allows for guns for military, not for the general citizenry.

But a clearer reading of the full text of the Second Amendment makes it clear that the Amendment covers the right for all people, not just military, to “bear arms.” This ruling means that an absolute ban on handguns will not pass constitutional muster, but a reasonable limitation on handguns will. Now every state and county will need to figure out what such reasonable limitations mean…so look for more cases on that one.

- By
Lis Wiehl (FOX News Legal Analyst)

Here is Senator McCain’s response to the SCOTUS decision:

Today's decision is a landmark victory for Second Amendment freedom in the United States. For this first time in the history of our Republic, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms was and is an individual right as intended by our Founding Fathers. I applaud this decision as well as the overturning of the District of Columbia's ban on handguns and limitations on the ability to use firearms for self-defense.

Unlike Senator Obama, who refused to join me in signing a bipartisan amicus brief, I was pleased to express my support and call for the ruling issued today. Today's ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller makes clear that other municipalities like Chicago that have banned handguns have infringed on the constitutional rights of Americans. Unlike the elitist view that believes Americans cling to guns out of bitterness, today's ruling recognizes that gun ownership is a fundamental right -- sacred, just as the right to free speech and assembly.

This ruling does not mark the end of our struggle against those who seek to limit the rights of law-abiding citizens. We must always remain vigilant in defense of our freedoms. But today, the Supreme Court ended forever the specious argument that the Second Amendment did not confer an individual right to keep and bear arms.

Standard Newswire

I can hear the Leftists that will allow criminals how do not follow the rule of law to have a gun yet prohibit American citizens the right to protect themselves from a gun toting thug. They will be saying be saying now the thugs can get a gun easier, like thug didn’t get a gun illegally anyway.


Obama Calls Dobson a Liar

Well he kind of does, as a typical politician Obama made words discrediting Dobson’s criticism in such a way that it sounded like calling Dobson a liar in such a way that Obama could claim plausible deniability.

Obama said this about Dobson:

Sen. Barack Obama said evangelical leader James Dobson was "making stuff up," when he accused the Illinois senator of distorting the Bible and taking a "fruitcake interpretation" of the U.S. Constitution.

"Any notion that I was distorting the Bible in that speech, I think anyone would be hard pressed to make that argument," Obama told reporters on board his press plane Tuesday night. (

Obama said this in reference to a radio broadcast by Dobson:

Dr. James Dobson responds to a speech made by Barack Obama in which the presidential candidate, while discussing the role of religion in government, compares Dr. Dobson to political activist the Rev. Al Sharpton. Dr. Dobson also updates listeners on the battle to preserve traditional marriage in Arizona, and pays tribute to late broadcast journalist Tim Russert. Joining Dr. Dobson for a discussion of these important issues are Focus on the Family President Jim Daly and Tom Minnery, Focus' Vice President of Public Policy.

"76 percent of the [American] people identify themselves as Christian ... [but Barack Obama is] diminishing the idea that people of Christian faith have anything to say." - Tom Minnery
(This is the web page intro of the Broadcast you can listen to by clicking

Gary McCullough the Director of Christian Newswire is of the opinion that Obama’s public dismissive rebuke of Dobson will sway Evangelicals which are not very excited about McCain to the McCain side. The meaning of this opinion being that Evangelicals disillusioned by fringe Leftist Obama who might have stayed in November 2008 may show up to the polls if for no other reason as a response for a personal attack on one of the most popular Evangelical radio broadcasters in America – James Dobson. READ McCullough’s opinion.

JRH 6/26/08

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Mr. Mugabe Wins

The subtitle of this Washington Post editorial is “His campaign of terror will keep him in power, barring an international intervention.”

The UN (ergo international intervention) allows Iran to acquire nuclear power. Iran is a psycho-Islamist regime.

The UN allows genocide Darfur, Sudan.

The UN panders to Islamic nations while Israel bears international pressure to commit national suicide under the delusion that the giving up land won from invading armies will produce peace in the Middle East.

The UN allows Communist China to not only conquer Tibet in the early 1950’s but does nothing while the Communist Chinese persecute Tibetans that want their sovereignty and nation back. Hmm … makes me think of the Arabs that call themselves Palestinians again.

I probably could go on or the Slanted Right could undoubtedly add to my thoughts.

JRH 6/24/08


Here is a rare opportunity to see brevity on this blog. I found some tax humor courtesy of oldschoolteacher.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: A taxpayer voting for Barack Obama is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

The Danger is MORE than Islamist Terrorism

Here is another wake-up moment that will likely be pooh-poohed by blind Left and decried as racism or an attack on the freedom to practice the theo-political cult know as Islam (as you probably know I prefer Mohammedanism).

Those of you who call yourselves moderates and Slanted Right need to educate yourself and (God Please!) be aware there is an Islamic agenda. Although that agenda is funded by radical Muslims (Sunni and Shia), that agenda is extremely influential on the thinking of Muslims who publicly abhor the violence perpetuated by radical Islamic terrorists.

How or why is that possible?

Because there is a silent movement among well funded Islamists to silently slide into Western finance and economy with concepts of Sharia Finance. The Capitalists of the West buy into it because if it makes a profit it cannot be bad. Western Leftists of ignorant of Sharia Finance because of their blind concepts of egalitarianism that chooses to humanistically accept Mohammedans as multi-cultural equals not realizing that Mohammedans do not share Western egalitarianism.

What I am saying my fellow Americans and deluded Europeans is this: Wealthy Mohammedans influenced by Wahhabi/Muslim Brotherhood Sunnis or Twelver Shi’ites are utilizing the West’s own laws and financial institutions like the devil in Eden deceiving Eve. You know: bite this fruit of Islamist funding and endowments and the money will make you wise.

Unfortunately the deception is to systematically tear down Western Culture and ease Islamic Culture in its place. It is almost as if the transnational terrorists are an armed distraction while the little foxes enter the hen house and eat the chickens and their progeny and the farmer is off hunting for big wolves.

I have yet another long
essay for you to read that paints a clear picture of that which I am writing. One of the authors is Rachel Ehrenfeld who a Saudi Islamist billionaire tried to silence by using foreign courts (to America) in a civil suit which does not use American jurisprudence.

Rachel lost the suit (not travelling across the ocean) but won the war. New York has enacted what has become known as
Libel Terrorism Protection Act and the Federal Government is working on legislation to protect all Americans.

JRH (Hat tip to ACT)

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Hamas Interest in the Tahdiya ...

Apparently the practice of political Islam is much more politically deceptive than I imagined. Mohammedanism has different terms for peace that has different degrees of understanding in which the Western geopolitical mind has a difficult time in grasping diplomatically.

Not too long ago Egypt brokered (what the MSM called) a truce between Israel and Hamas of Gazastan. The MSM called the truce an Islamic hudna which apparently is a temporary peace;
nonetheless certain members of the Israeli government were dubious of the reasons Hamas agreed to the said hudna.

Lt. Col. (res.) Jonathan Halevi explains why the term hudna is not the appropriate word to use in this so-called truce between Israel and Hamas.

JRH 6/23/08 (Hat tip ICJS Research)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Libertarian Party: Bob Barr for President

Here is an interesting situation. Former Republican Representative from Georgia Bob Barr has taken on the Libertarian Party nomination for President. Barr is a former Representative because a Democratic Party dominated State Congress pull off some gerrymandering to eliminate Barr’s Republican base. It placed Barr in a position of running against an incumbent Democratic Party Representative with his base gerrymandered to win.

Anyway, the Left Wing MSM is reporting praying that Barr will have just enough appeal to swing a close race away from McCain and into Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s lap.

The GOP is already counter-spinning that an intelligent Republican will understand a vote for now Libertarian Barr is really a vote for Obama.

My fascination with Barr becoming the Libertarian nominee for President is that primarily he is Slanted Right on most issues and was a virulent pursuer of staining the Clinton legacy. Now this fascinates me because the Libertarians have lately evolved into fiscal Conservatives yet nearly to the fringe Left on social issues. For example the Libertarian philosophy of anything goes as long as it does not infringe the beliefs of the individual or cause harm to other individuals has morphed into anti-Christian morality and pro-homosexual activism.

That does not fit the Barr image.


Friday, June 20, 2008

Scott McClellan – Zero Credibility

["In my nearly 36 years of public service I've known of a few like you," Dole writes, recounting his years representing Kansas in the House and Senate. "No doubt you will 'clean up' as the liberal anti-Bush press will promote your belated concerns with wild enthusiasm. When the money starts rolling in you should donate it to a worthy cause, something like, 'Biting The Hand That Fed Me.' Another thought is to weasel your way back into the White House if a Democrat is elected. That would provide a good set up for a second book deal in a few years" Dole assures McClellan that he won't read the book — "because if all these awful things were happening, and perhaps some may have been, you should have spoken up publicly like a man, or quit your cushy, high-profile job." "That would have taken integrity and courage but then you would have had credibility and your complaints could have been aired objectively," Dole concludes. "You’re a hot ticket now, but don’t you, deep down, feel like a total ingrate?"He signs the email simply: "BOB DOLE"] – From ST BLOGUSTINE via Politico.

Scott McClellan has created quite the stir by writing a book insinuating purposely manipulated information to get the public and Democrats on board to invade Iraq.

Now the House Judiciary Committee is giving McClellan free publicity for his book “What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception.” The Committee listened to McClellan testimony concerning the outing of Valerie Plame as a covert CIA spy.

Like McClellan can shed any light after Special Prosecutor
Patrick Fitzgerald was only able to convict one person (Scooter Libby). Libby’s conviction was not even for outing Plame. Libby was hunted down by Fitzgerald because Libby’s memory was conflicted enough that he was convicted of perjury.

The guy that did out Plame was an anti-Bush RINO Richard Armitage in which Fitzgerald KNEW was the culprit. The image is that prosecution did not follow through for Armitage because of his anti-Bush stance. Fitzgerald had to convict somebody to justify the waste of taxpayer money so he entrapped Libby with testimony based on memory. Shucks partner, I sometimes forget why I walked into the kitchen in five minute period of time and Libby was convicted because his memory events did not line up from years in the past. All well, that is another story.

Now a Democratic Party controlled Judiciary Committee is wasting taxpayer money by show casing McClellan about Plame. The reality is the Democrats are show casing McClellan to drive more nails of hate into Bush and the Republican Party.

Now here’s the thing: the MSM is hopping on McClellan’s book and anti-Bush message like flies on bull dung. No one is listening to the facts that demonstrate the lack of credibility of McClellan’s book. For God’s sake he was a Press Secretary that was told what to say to the Press, not a policy maker or political strategists that viewed and disseminated National Intelligence.

Check this out:

The former White House press secretary suggested that Bush could do much to redeem his credibility on the Plame matter and his reasons for going to war in Iraq if he would embrace "openness and candor and then constantly strive to build trust across the aisle."

"This is a very secretive White House ... There's some things that they would prefer not to be talked about," McClellan said.

McClellan accused Bush of a lack of candor in other areas, including what he called the "packaging" of intelligence to justify the Iraq war and the president's handling of allegations that many years ago he had used cocaine. (
Yahoo News)

Now here are some thoughts on McClellan from a more Conservative perspective (which as you can guess, I view as closer to the truth):

If Scott McClellan’s allegations about President Bush sound as if he copied them from the editorial page of any liberal newspaper, there is a reason for it: As White House press secretary, McClellan was not privy to sensitive policy decisions and therefore has no specifics to back up his charges.

McClellan cites no details, and for good reason. McClellan was not invited to attend classified meetings where the decisions about going to war were discussed.

“The role of the press secretary does not have him in the most sensitive military and intelligence briefings that the president conducts with his national security advisor and secretary of defense,” Fran Townsend, the former White House counterterrorism chief who was at many of those crucial meetings, tells me. “So the facts and policy discussions he sees are limited.”

Instead of supplying specifics, McClellan makes sweeping allegations that contradict the underlying facts and therefore lack credibility.

McClellan claims Bush's real reason for invading Iraq was "an ambitious and idealistic post-9/11 vision of transforming the Middle East through the spread of freedom." In making that claim, McClellan seems to suggest that Bush himself did not consider Iraq a threat. McClellan thus ignores the fact that the CIA and every other intelligence agency in the world believed that Iraq had WMD and that former President Clinton, Al Gore, and Hillary Clinton all said they considered Iraq a threat. But then on NBC's "Today Show," McClellan said he thinks Bush did believe Iraq was a "grave danger." So what is all the fuss about? That WMD were never found? That is not exactly news.

Townsend calls the allegations “self-serving, disingenuous and unprofessional.” She says, “If Scott had concerns, he had an obligation to voice them at the time or even resign. He did neither. Even when he left no one had the slightest idea of any of these allegations. I knew him as a good White House colleague, and I find this shocking and disappointing.”

The bottom line is that, as Saddam told Piro, he was planning to resume his WMD program — including developing a nuclear weapon — within a year. That was when Saddam thought United Nations sanctions would be lifted, in part because he was paying off UN officials.

“His goal was to have the sanctions lifted,” Piro says in an account the media have largely ignored. “And they likely would have been lifted if it were not for 9/11. Even the United Nations changed after 9/11. So Saddam was on the right track. His plan to have sanctions lifted was working. But he told me he recognized that he miscalculated the long-term effects of 9/11. And he miscalculated President Bush.” (
Ronald Kessler)

God only knows why McClellan chose to smash the President behind his back in a book. If McClellan felt the information given was smoke and mirrors he should have the guts to tell the President his thoughts, argued his case and if Bush was truly heinous then quit his job. According to several witnesses in the Administration and McClellan’s immediate superiors, McClellan did not once even act squeamish about his role as the Press intermediary between the White House and the Press. That makes McClellan a two faced coward.

There is an even handed editorial out from the
Lubbock Avalanche-Journal written today about McClellan. That editorial takes a middle ground saying it is good to see free speech work in America and also questions McClellan’s credibility.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

There is Taqiyya in the Air

Ted Bellman believes a peace deal has been made between Israel and Syria.

Apparently Israel has working behind closed doors under Turkish mediation to cut yet another land for peace scheme with Syria. Bellman suspects there is a relationship with
Egypt mediated truce between Israel and Hamas.

It all boils down to the apparent success of convincing Arabs and Sunni minded Turks that Shi’ite Iran has become so much of a threat to the ruling Sunni Elites of the Middle East, that they are
willing to make serious deals to legitimize Israel in order to focus on Iran.

It would be a huge coup to get Syria on board with the other Arab nations and Turkey and out of the Iranian orbit.

The thing is I do not trust it. Assad of
Syria has signed military pacts with Iran. Syria and Iran has been a conduit to provide sophisticated weaponry to Shi’ite Hezbollah of Lebanon to the detriment of Sunni Muslims and Christian Arabs of the same nation. Since Hezbollah is a puppet of Iran with a goal to eradicate Israel, there is an essence of treachery in the air.

Another thing to consider is that the population of Syria is a majority Sunni Muslim nation; however
the ruling elites are Alawites more akin to Shia than Sunni. The only thing that Shia and Sunni really have in common is the radical Islamic element hating Israel and America.

I personally have the opinion the Alawite elites of Syria are practicing
Taqiyya with the Sunni Arabs and Israel in a Machiavellian move to strategically upgrade military positioning on Israel and the weak official Lebanonese government. This will enable a Hezbollah coup in which the Shi’ites become the dictatorial rulers of Lebanon while Syria will be in a position to enhance Hezbollah and confront Israel if the Israeli government discovers there deluded mistake of land for peace.

The Egyptian brokered peace between Israel and Hamas is also a probable Taqiyya situation in which the irony of Sunni Hamas receiving military weaponry and training from Shi’ite Iran.

So here is the land for peace picture I see developing under the noses of Israel, America and Sunni Arabs concerned about Iran: A Hezbollah dominated rule over Lebanon north of Israel; a constantly hostile Syria (supported by Iran) northeast of Israel in which if the Golan Heights are returned, a strategic highway for an invading Syria; and an Iranian armed Hamas and Islamic Jihad (not to mention an al-Qaeda and Iranian Revolutionary Guard presence) south of Israel. Add to this: I have suspicions about Egypt’s loyalty to America and Israel. There is such a virulent radical Islamic hatred by the Egyptian populace of Israel I suspect Mubarak might weigh his options to enter an Israeli invasion. Mubarak would re-establish a connection with the huge radical element of his citizens, Egypt (if successful) would be an Arab Sunni hegemon of the Levant to the exclusion of the designs of Shi’ite Iran and a victory would make Mubarak the 21st century Saladin expelling the kafir from Dar al-Islam as the
Egyptian (Kurdish Muslim actually) Saladin expelled the Crusaders from much of the Levant.

Yes, I smell geopolitical Taqiyya among Mohammedans in the Middle East that is not good for the global economy and not good for Israeli Jews.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Supreme Court Goes to War

It is no wonder as to why Islamists armed with propaganda and inferior conventional weapons compared to the best military the earth has ever seen believe America is weak and can be defeated. The Islamists see the American political system shoot them self in the political foot hampering its strength.

One of example of this is the recent lining up of a Conservative appointed SCOTUS Justice with four Leftist Justices to hamper America’s ability to prosecute a war.

John Yoo lays out beautifully the stupidity of the Supreme Court of the United States.

JRH 6/18/08

‘Michael Savage discusses Pastor Rod Parsley's comments’

Michael Savage explains why there is NO comparison between racist, America-hating and Black Supremacist Jeremiah Wright and Christian Right, Love-America and Christian Moral Standard believing Rod Parsley.

At the very end Savage is caught with a snippet against McCain strategy to be Green on Global Warming.

I am pretty far to the Right on many issues and yet most of the time I find Savage’s Right Wing Talk Radio a bit harsh. In the case of this audio clip though, I have to agree with Savage.

Rod Parsley recognizes that Mohammedanism is a threat to not only Christianity but is inherently evil compared to the Freedom and Liberty of the American Constitution. In this audio clip Parsley also demonstrates the knowledge that depravity such as homosexuality is a moral blight that Secular Humanist Leftists and the Homosexual Agenda is trying to infect America. These are laudable American stands.

Then there is the ilk like Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan which hate America and White people with an extreme Black Racist Superiority complex. Those two Black racists utilize the propaganda of past evils of victimhood to tell African Americans they are superior to non-African Americans (usually Whites). This kind of instilling of hatred produces division in the present not the E Pluribus Unum (Out of the many, ONE) America was precariously founded on. Certainly African Americans received a historical raw deal at the hands of White and Mohammedan slave traders; nonetheless history has moved on and African Americans have progressed from the hypocrisy of White Slave owners, past segregation and acceptance by former White oppressors as political equals.

Yet African Americans such as Wright and Farrakhan preach hate abandoning the unifying vision of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Barack HUSSEIN Obama comes from the Wright and Farrakhan heritage of Left Wing African hate rather than the unifying principles of Martin Luther King, Jr. who preached non-hatred to bridge the gap between oppressors and former slaves.

Obama is dangerous for America.

McCain is not my first choice to represent the interests of Conservative Christian morality because of his mixed bag of political views that range from slightly Left, to Centrist and to slightly Right of Center. Nonetheless, McCain looks like a true Conservative compared to how fringe Left and potentially a fellow perpetuator of African American victimhood.

JRH (Hat tip ThePoliticalHawk)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Military judge dismisses charges in Haditha case

Remember hearing or reading about a slaughter dubbed the Haditha Massacre by the pro-terrorist Mainstream Media (MSM), the Democrats and Democrat Rep. John Murtha in particular?

Well hoax is nearly ended.
Lt Colonel Jeffrey Chessani had his charges dismissed by a military judge (Colonel Steven Folsom). Of the eight Marines charged by the terrorist set up the MSM fell for and Murtha has never apologized for, only ONE remains to be exonerated. Let us pray that ONE is not made a scapegoat to satisfy politically correct politicians of the Left.

JRH 6/17/08

Israel Blamed for Trying to Derail the Hamas/Gaza Truce

Unofficially Hamas has agreed to an Egyptian brokered truce with Israel. I personally suspect Mohammedan Taqiyya (deception) either to rearm or the fear that Israel was one straw from breaking the camel’s back to militarily enter Gaza with extreme prejudice to end the rocket launches into Israel.

One thing of note: Once again the Yahoo News story which was an AP Wire release, amazingly make Israel the bad guy for the tension between Israel and Hamas controlled Gaza.

Check out these quotes from the Yahoo/AP article:

In a last-minute jolt, Israeli aircraft attacked three targets in the southern Gaza Strip. One of the airstrikes destroyed a car, killing six militants inside.

A large crowd gathered around the car's smoldering remains, and a puddle of blood was visible on the asphalt. Gaza militants then fired four mortar shells at Israel, the first of the day, the military said. No one was hurt.

Hamas officials accused Israel of trying to undermine the truce, but said they would not let the violence derail the Egyptian efforts.

"We are going to commit ourselves to the start time that Egypt is going to declare regarding the calm," said Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri. However, the group's television station said the movement would respond to "any Zionist aggression," underscoring the delicate situation.

AP Writer Ibrahim Barzak gives the impression that just as a truce is struck Israel sends war planes to southern Gaza to kill “militants.” Also the impression is given that Israel executed the attacks to “derail” the truce but noble Hamas was going to honor the truce this time anyway.

To give Barzak a little credit he makes a feeble effort to explain the whole issue of Israeli attacks in Gaza; however he still leaves out the truth of the Israeli air strikes.

Gaza militants have been bombarding southern Israel with rockets and mortars for seven years. The rate of fire increased after Israel pulled its troops and settlers out of Gaza in 2005 and stepped up further last year after Hamas wrested power from forces loyal to moderate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Again using the word sanitized word “militants,” Barzak writes that the hated filled murdering terrorists have been sending rockets and mortars into Southern Israel. Hence Barzak feebly explains the long term basis for Israeli reprisals but no explanation for the last attack.

Israel has responded with pinpoint air and ground attacks that have killed hundreds of Palestinians, many of them civilians. It has also imposed a strict blockade on Gaza, letting in only limited amounts of humanitarian aid, restricting fuel supplies and widening already rampant unemployment. Ending the economic sanctions by opening Gaza's crossings with Israel and Egypt has been a major Hamas demand in the cease-fire talks.

Barzak continues to demonize Israel by the Israel air attacks have been “pinpoint.” The demonization is made complete with Barzak’s pro-Arab news by saying the Israeli attacks have killed hundreds of Palestinians of which “many of them” were civilians. Thus the word “Palestinians” is a sanitized code for Jew hating terrorists and “civilians” implies innocent by-standers.

What a bunch of pro-Arab Left Wing propagandized half truths!

The “militants” and “Palestinians” spoken of are Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists which have the sole aim of destroying Israel. The Hamas and Islamic Jihad targets have been Israeli civilians. Israeli targets are Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorist murdering operatives and leadership that often encircle their self with women and children that are used as human shields. When the human shields die Hamas and Islamic Jihad use it as propaganda that innocent Arabs that call themselves Palestinians were killed by Israeli military expedition.

Indeed the terrorists killed in the Israeli airstrike were Islamic Jihad terrorists and one al Qaeda associate that were involved in a recent missile strike in Israel (reporting the initial Israeli air strike).

Hmm ... al Qaeda! Isn't that the transnational terrorist organization that turned the Twin Towers into a pile of rubble killing innocent Americans on American soil?

The Israeli government is correctly mistrusting of the Hamas agreed truce but feels politically backed into a corner to stop the murdering terrorist missile launches against Israeli civilians.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Negotiating with Terrorists Rather than Defeating Them

Here is a classic example of the paradox of the Bush Administration. The Administration is obviously committed to fighting the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) or American troops would not be in Afghanistan and Iraq with some saber rattling toward Iran to boot.

The paradox is the Bush Administration is wooing
Sunni Mohammedan nations that have been unofficially exporters of Islamist doctrine to Middle Eastern terrorists and to the West in a play to build an Arabic consensus against Iranian hegemonic designs. Most of Iran’s client States and terrorists are Shi’ite.

As part of this Arabic wooing the
Bush Administration has come under the delusion that establishing a sovereign Arab nation called Palestine with land that is historically part of the Land of Israel AND won as the result of Arab invasions attempting to eradicate Israel will bring both peace and Arabic support for America against the psycho Iranian Ayatollahs and Shi’ites.

And so Secretary of State Condi Rice has harshly criticized Israeli plans to build dwellings for Jews in Eastern Jerusalem and the West Bank as counter productive to establishing that sovereign Arab nation called Palestine.

The Yahoo News article I read this at is entirely slanted to the Arabs that call themselves Palestinians with such expressions as land “won” by Israel in the 1967 war without mentioning the land was won resulting from a victory of an invading enemy bent on destroying Israel from the face of the earth.

Hello! The land won is the price the Arabs must pay for their continuous invasions of Israel. The land was lost by Arabs by Arab aggression and Israel won land that is part of their heritage. The Mohammedan claim that the land has always been Mohammedan is as delirious as the Mormon belief that the lost tribes of Israel came to America and became the Native Americans. The claims are pure historical theo-political lies to justify the death cult’s eradication of Judaism from the land that Mohammedans themselves conquered in war centuries earlier from Christian Byzantines and then non-Mohammedan Persians.

The Bush Administration needs to cut the crap and support the ONLY Western Style Democracy in the Middle East and quite dealings with Islamofascist Arab-Palestine terrorists and Islamic nations as if they are victims when in actuality they are aggressors.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Five Soldiers Call in From Tikrit Iraq Sunday

Bob (
Event Scheduled for June 15, 2008 5:00 PM PT

Click Here To View Event (If MySpace Link does not work, go the website for info) We have five soldiers calling in from Tikrit, Iraq this Sunday night at 5pm PST on There is more info posted as an event and also on a bulletin. We invite you all to listen and also request that you help us get the word out. Thank You Bob Calvert, Host

Listen to what Patriots in the war are talking about, not cut-n-run Leftists or poorly informed Americans propagandized by the Main Stream Media (MSM).

JRH 6/14/08

Friday, June 13, 2008

Obama anti-smear site: 'He was never a Muslim'

Well it looks like Barack HUSSEIN Obama is using the old Goebbels/Hitler adage of telling a lie often enough your public will believe you.

JRH 6/13/08

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Colorado SB200 Makes Christianity Discriminated and Illegal to Practice

Here is a huge irony. Homosexual Activists must have been studying Mohammedan history. How can I say this? The Homosexual Activists have taken the Mohammedan concept of dhimmitude and have successfully lobbied into Colorado State Law the dhimmification of Christianity pertaining to homosexuality in the State of Colorado.

From the
Mohammedan perspective dhimmitude is a community law that makes non-Mohammedans second class citizens with nearly zero political rights. Colorado’s SB200 is the beginning of this dhimmification process in relation to empowering homosexuals as a moral class of people while making it a criminal offense to proclaim the immorality of homosexuality outside of the walls of Christian Churches.

Thus the Arabic concept of dhimmi or “protected” is a hypocrisy entering American society. Christians can proclaim Biblical truths inside the walls of a Church however if open campaign to condemn homosexual immorality is preached outside a Church or published and sold by for profit companies it is now criminal.

If Colorado’s SB200 is not successfully challenged in a federal court it is a concept that Homosexual Activists will infect the rest of America as a difficult to cure political disease. According to James Dobson SB200 is written in such a way that a grassroots Initiative process to overturn the State Congressional legislation is not possible. I don’t understand how that is possible so I hope Dobson is inaccurate on that assertion.

This is also an example of the power of well funded minority activism overriding the will of the people. Dear God in Heaven do not let this political disease stand or infect the rest of America.

Homosexual Activists can continue to do rallies anywhere in Colorado preaching their disgusting agenda. If a Christian protests he, she or they can be tossed into jail or fined or both under SB200.

The key word in an article written by Bob Unruh is “marginalized.” The State is making a law restricting the free practice of religion and proclaiming homosexuality a valid style simultaneously. Dear friends that is Unconstitutional according to the First Amendment of the Federal Constitution. It marginalizes Christians by regulating the practice of where they can practice religion and where and how a Christian can practice Freedom of Speech.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Could Olmert’s Departure Produce an Israeli Backbone?

This can only be good news for Israel. The Israeli Knesset believes it has enough votes to produce a “No Confidence” vote on Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s government.

Olmert’s Kadima Party is attempting to forestall the “No Confidence” by having Olmert resign and having primaries to replace his premiership.

Either way Olmert is out!

The current head of the Conservative Likud Party Binyamin Netanyahu has been the poll favorite for Prime Minister for some time.

Hopefully Netanyahu will have some backbone and not give up anymore of Israel for a delusional land for peace with Arabs that call themselves Palestinians. And if that chaps the PA and Hamas’ hide, let us hope Netanyahu will flex Israeli muscles to move the military wings (i.e. the PA, PLO, Hamas and other Arab terrorist organizations) out of the Land Israel.

This would probably mean forcibly moving hate bred Arabs that call themselves Palestinians out of Judea and Samaria and Gaza. After all that is the very same goal of the lying Arab Islamofascist organizations plan to do to Jews in Israel. Actually the primary Islamofascist choice is the second Holocaust.

Since the government in Lebanon is powerless anyway, Israel should transport these Arabs to Hezbollahstan. Shi’ite Hezbollah and primarily Sunni PLO then can duke out to see if that land will be called Lebanon, Hezbollahstan, Palestine or some kind of loose Lebanonese Confederation (for there are still a substantial amount of Arab Christians in Lebanon. Or Syria and Iran can step in and merely end Lebanon’s existence and have a further group of homicidal suicide troops to fight against Israel’s existence.

Whatever Israel will stand or die united. The so-called Road Map to Peace, Oslo Accords and American pressure to form a Palestine will eventually provoke an armed conflict. It might as well be on Israeli terms rather Arab terms supported by the West.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Abbas Says Temple Mount ONLY Belongs to Muslims

I just found an Aaron Klein article that was posted on June 1, 2008. So many of you may already have knowledge of Klein’s reporting on the Temple Mount located within Jerusalem. The report so outrages me that I have to post it even it is late.

Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas has publicly proclaimed the Temple Mount “100%” Mohammedan and that if anyone messes with that fact 1.5 billions will react. Then Klein cites a litany of Mohammedans that say the Jewish Temples NEVER existed even though it is a historical fact even from extra-Biblical sources.

This is the man that will be the leader (probably) of a coerced created nation which will be called Palestine.

Who is forcing Israel to allow a creation of a nation whose sole purpose is to destroy Israel and bring a second Holocaust (first if you are a Mohammedan) of Jews.

It also implies Islamist Arabs will prevent access to the most Holy place on earth to Jews and one the most revered places on earth to Christians.

Here is some more whine with my cheese: America is the prime mover of a travesty to divide Jerusalem giving total sovereignty of the Temple Mount to Islamists. Add to that whine is my own Conservative Senator Tom Coburn supports this Jerusalem division.


Patriot Post Promotion

The Patriot Post

I am a huge fan of Mark Alexander and the Patriot Post. Indeed, Alexander writes other places as well; therefore if you see his name, read the article.

Patriot Post is Alexander’s primary Internet baby. I use it as a research source often. So this is my plug for the Patriot Post and below is a few words from Mark Alexander.

JRH 6/10/08

Dear Fellow Patriots,

As you know, our readers are our best promoters. There are threeeasy ways you can help advance our message of individual liberty, the restoration of constitutional limits on government and thejudiciary, and the promotion of free enterprise, national defenseand traditional American values.

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Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus, et Fidelis!

Mark AlexanderPublisher,

From an Army Rangers mouth about Iraq

Here is the attitude of most American Patriots serving our nation in Iraq and Afghanistan. Compare it with the Leftists.

Made and Posted on Youtube by Lewismadmax

Lewismadmax's words below:

"He is there, he knows, I share it with you now, please get a kleenex, if you don't need have no soul!

BTW: Vic was killed in a roadside bomb last July, his real name was Mike.

God bless a country that made him hide."

I would say “God have mercy on a country that makes a Patriot feel he has to hide his identity.”

Hat tip to
Humbled Infidel.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Turkey's Putin Deserves to Go

Turkey has been hailed as an example of secularist democratic government in a Mohammedan society. With an Islamist Prime Minister and President working hand in hand together, it appears that the secularist institutions initiated by modern Turkey’s founding father Ataturk may be coming to an end.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is slowly whittling away what forms of democracy Turkey had institutionalized. Erdogan is on the path to dictatorship and the only thing that might stop that is the
Turkish military that has traditionally been loyal to the Ataturk vision of a Mohammedan Turkish Secular Society.

Read Michael Rubin’s take on the Turkish emerging situation:

JRH 6/9/08

Saturday, June 07, 2008

War and Obama

Read Bill O’Reilly’s evaluation as to why Barack HUSSEIN Obama snatched the Democratic Party nomination from one time favorite Hillary Clinton.

O’Reilly also speculates on a strategy McCain will use to squash Obama like a red-headed step-moonbat.

JRH 6/7/08

Neocon – Libertarian – Senate – Gas Tax

To those of you who can bear to read my scrawl over the years, you know that I have a Neoconservative slant among my brethren of the Conservative Right. If such a list was kept, I would be numbered by the Left as one that supports what is evil on planet earth. Of course my perspective is much different. I number myself among an enlightened handful that believe global democratic nations engender a greater possibility of global peace and capitalistic prosperity. It also means as an American that which benefits America and Americans is preeminent on my mind. Thus I believe in utilizing American power to promote global democracy where it can be planted. If democracy is actually rejected by a people (as opposed to a people’s ruling elite who may desire power for power’s sake) then it is in the National Interest and/or National Security to protect America’s interests at home and abroad.

It is particularly the later part that separates Neocons from the rest of the Right (e.g. Paleocons, Moderate Conservatives or Libertarian Conservatives and et al).

Among my fellow Conservatives I might even be maligned.

If you have read this far be patient as I pursue a point that is really beginning to bug me.

My son (who also happens to be my computer geek for
our personal website) is leaning these days toward the Libertarian Right as espoused by former Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul. Neither of us are economic experts yet that did not prevent us from what on the Conservative side would best benefit America.

My son believes that America should withdraw American prowess from policing the world and not be involved in entangling treaties with other nations as indeed George Washington warned not to do as he left his second term in office as President. Now to me that sounded like Isolationism; however my son rebuked me by giving me another word which I cannot remember as a peck on the key board. So I asked him what that word meant. My son went on to describe every political theme that is isolationist. And I even told him that it sound like Isolationism by use of a synonym. So like you can call it anything you want but it comes out on the side of Isolationist political policies of an America that was wise but militarily weak.

Since World War II and the second deliverance of Europe from the aspirations of non-Democratic hegemons; America has been the global top dog. Indeed America did not wane in power but waxed stronger and stronger that its military policies terminated the existence of the Communistic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The USSR can arguably be denounced as even a more brutal regime than Hitler inflicted Europe.

My Libertarian son argued that American entanglements are causing greater and greater debt that will lead to the collapse of the Dollar and American depression. Now I cannot say he is wrong; however I believe withdrawing from being the global top dog will make America a target for foreign economic manipulation and thus also leading to a dollar collapse.

I told him I felt the greatest threat to American prosperity is the control of the world’s oil reserves by Islamists, despots and nations leaning toward despotism. Thus it is in the American National Interest to secure Iraq by either persuading the Muslims toward a democratic government or failing that working a favorable deal to keep a Muslim despot or Islamic oligarchy in power that favors the American National Interests. That is just the plain reality of keeping America prosperous and secure even if non-American nations do not like.

I assure you a resurgent Russia or a growing China would do the same to America if one or both were the global hegemonic powers. China’s subjugation of Tibet is an example that proves that I am correct. A pro-active America will be a safe America.

Then my Libertarian son told me America has the largest oil reserves in the world and we can do without Middle Eastern oil. I told him he was mistaken. I agreed we have a substantial amount of oil reserves that currently is not economically feasible to extract or is prohibited from attaining by moonbat Leftist environmentalists.

We ended our discussion there up in the air.

Now here is thing that brought all this back to remembrance for me.

First a telephone discussion with my daughter in Washington State enlightened me that some Americans were paying $4.50/gallon (as of this post).

Second I received an email alert from
Freedoms Watch spelling out the Democratic Party controlled Congress is preparing to raise taxes on gasoline at the pump for moonbat environmental reasons.

So I began to do a little preliminary digging into oil.

As of 2006 the top 10 nations with oil reserves are:

    1. Saudi Arabia
    2. Canada
    3. Iran
    4. Kuwait
    5. Iraq
    6. United Arab Emirates
    7. Venezuela
    8. Russia
    9. Libya
    10. Nigeria
    CIA – The World Fact Book

(I have to point out to my Libertarian son that America is not even in the top ten. It is off the point but snicker-snicker anyway. America is number eleven in 2006)

Of the top ten only Canada is a consistent and dedicated democratic nation. Russia is swaying back toward despotism. Venezuela foolishly elected a Marxist President who has taken it upon himself to undemocratically strengthen his power base.
Nigeria’s democracy is not stable being highly influenced by its military and increasingly the Sharia Law minded Muslims getting the violently oppressive hand the Christians. The rest of the top ten are dominated by Mohammedan governments that apply non-democratic and oppressive Sharia Law in varying degrees of enforcement. The Sunni and Shi’ite Clerics for the most part preach and instill hatred toward America and Israel. Our so-called Arab friends like Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan do little to offset the religious and Middle Eastern hate propaganda.

Ironically in May 2008 Iraq has discovered from recent geological surveys and seismic studies that their position in the top ten has been
upgraded from number five all the way to the top at number one. While Iran and Syria send military aid to Islamist terrorists within Iraq, Iraq has still been able to increase its oil production in the very midst of a war.

I am beginning to ponder that there is some kind of price gauging between international oil companies and/or the oil producers. This is not good for the American consumer.

Now I am finding out via email that the Democrats are preparing to tax an already over priced gasoline market. Get upset!

Here is the email:

    Stop the Senate from raising gas prices

    Joe Eule
    Freedoms Watch
    Sent: June 5, 2008 6:13:05 PM

    At $4 a gallon, Americans are hurting at the gas pump. Higher gas prices are affecting every part of our life. We’re paying more for food, milk, clothes, and cooling our homes. Even summer vacations are in jeopardy.

    Yet the Senate is about to vote on a bill (S. 2191) that would make things worse by raising gas prices, increasing home energy bills, and slowing the economy, and we need your help to stop it.
    Send an email to your Senators and sign our petition today!

    Sponsors say their bill will reduce the greenhouse gases that cause climate change. They call their plan "cap and trade," but it is really a huge hidden carbon tax on our economy that will have devastating consequences.

    This bill could not come at a worse time. Last week General Motors announced it was closing four plants, putting nearly 5,000 Americans out of work. Thousands more in supporting industries will also lose their jobs.

    Meanwhile, United Airlines announced it was slashing 1,600 jobs, idling older planes, and cutting routes - all because of skyrocketing gas prices.

    Is your job next?

    Incredibly, the bill before the Senate is estimated to raise the price of gasoline $1.10 a gallon, raise taxes, and increase your home energy bills (to find out what these higher costs will be where you live,
    click here).

    This bill is so bad the
    Wall Street Journal called it “the largest income redistribution scheme since the income tax.” That’s saying something.

    So please help us stop this bill from becoming law. First, click
    here to send your senators an email opposing S. 2191. Second, sign our petition opposing this bill that we can deliver to the Senate on your behalf.

    With your help, we can stop this liberal assault on the paycheck you work so hard to earn. Please act NOW!


    Joe EuleChief of Staff
    Freedom's Watch

    Paid for by Freedom's Watch, a 501 (C)4 issues advocacy organization. Contributions or gifts to Freedom's Watch are not refundable or transferable and are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. Freedom's Watch may accept contributions from individuals and corporations. Contributions from foreign nationals are prohibited.

    Paid for by Freedom's Watch
    Copyright (c) 2008