Don Wildmon of American Family Association has sent out an alert concerning an Amendment to the Constitution that would battle Slanted Left (oft times fringe Left) Judges that are legislating from the Bench promoting the Homosexual Agenda.
Specifically this Amendment defines marriages as between a male and a female and NOT as between Adam and Steve or Eve and Eilene.
The “Alert” provides a link to contact your Senators to support the Marriage Protection Amendment.
JRH 6/27/08
Your action needed today on a federal constitutional amendment making marriage legal only between a man and a woman
Marriage Protection Amendment introduced in U.S. Senate; forbids forcing homosexual marriage on all Americans
AFA Action Alert
June 26, 2008
(Similar Link)
Dear ____________
U.S. Senator Roger Wicker has introduced the Marriage Protection Amendment in the U.S. Senate. This constitutional amendment would keep liberal activist judges from forcing homosexual marriage on every American.
This constitutional amendment simply states: “Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution, nor the constitution of any State, shall be construed to require that marriage or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon any union other than the union of a man and a woman.”
Liberal activist judges in Massachusetts and California, each by a 4-3 margin, have already forced homosexual marriage on their citizens! There is nothing in current law which would keep one judge from legalizing marriage between three men, or two men and four women, or any other combination.
The only way to stop other liberal activist judges from forcing homosexual marriage on Americans is an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That is why your action now is so critical.
Take Action!
Send an e-mail to your two senators asking them to co-sponsor Sen. Wicker’s amendment.
It is vitally important that you forward this message. The liberal media has totally ignored the Marriage Protection Amendment.
Thank you for caring enough to get involved. If you feel our efforts are worthy of support, would you consider making a small tax-deductible contribution to help us continue?
Donald E. Wildmon,
Founder and Chairman
American Family Association
Please take a few minutes and invite your friends to AFA ActionAlert.
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