Thursday, June 12, 2008

Colorado SB200 Makes Christianity Discriminated and Illegal to Practice

Here is a huge irony. Homosexual Activists must have been studying Mohammedan history. How can I say this? The Homosexual Activists have taken the Mohammedan concept of dhimmitude and have successfully lobbied into Colorado State Law the dhimmification of Christianity pertaining to homosexuality in the State of Colorado.

From the
Mohammedan perspective dhimmitude is a community law that makes non-Mohammedans second class citizens with nearly zero political rights. Colorado’s SB200 is the beginning of this dhimmification process in relation to empowering homosexuals as a moral class of people while making it a criminal offense to proclaim the immorality of homosexuality outside of the walls of Christian Churches.

Thus the Arabic concept of dhimmi or “protected” is a hypocrisy entering American society. Christians can proclaim Biblical truths inside the walls of a Church however if open campaign to condemn homosexual immorality is preached outside a Church or published and sold by for profit companies it is now criminal.

If Colorado’s SB200 is not successfully challenged in a federal court it is a concept that Homosexual Activists will infect the rest of America as a difficult to cure political disease. According to James Dobson SB200 is written in such a way that a grassroots Initiative process to overturn the State Congressional legislation is not possible. I don’t understand how that is possible so I hope Dobson is inaccurate on that assertion.

This is also an example of the power of well funded minority activism overriding the will of the people. Dear God in Heaven do not let this political disease stand or infect the rest of America.

Homosexual Activists can continue to do rallies anywhere in Colorado preaching their disgusting agenda. If a Christian protests he, she or they can be tossed into jail or fined or both under SB200.

The key word in an article written by Bob Unruh is “marginalized.” The State is making a law restricting the free practice of religion and proclaiming homosexuality a valid style simultaneously. Dear friends that is Unconstitutional according to the First Amendment of the Federal Constitution. It marginalizes Christians by regulating the practice of where they can practice religion and where and how a Christian can practice Freedom of Speech.


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