To those of you who can bear to read my scrawl over the years, you know that I have a Neoconservative slant among my brethren of the Conservative Right. If such a list was kept, I would be numbered by the Left as one that supports what is evil on planet earth. Of course my perspective is much different. I number myself among an enlightened handful that believe global democratic nations engender a greater possibility of global peace and capitalistic prosperity. It also means as an American that which benefits America and Americans is preeminent on my mind. Thus I believe in utilizing American power to promote global democracy where it can be planted. If democracy is actually rejected by a people (as opposed to a people’s ruling elite who may desire power for power’s sake) then it is in the National Interest and/or National Security to protect America’s interests at home and abroad.
It is particularly the later part that separates Neocons from the rest of the Right (e.g. Paleocons, Moderate Conservatives or Libertarian Conservatives and et al).
Among my fellow Conservatives I might even be maligned.
If you have read this far be patient as I pursue a point that is really beginning to bug me.
My son (who also happens to be my computer geek for our personal website) is leaning these days toward the Libertarian Right as espoused by former Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul. Neither of us are economic experts yet that did not prevent us from what on the Conservative side would best benefit America.
My son believes that America should withdraw American prowess from policing the world and not be involved in entangling treaties with other nations as indeed George Washington warned not to do as he left his second term in office as President. Now to me that sounded like Isolationism; however my son rebuked me by giving me another word which I cannot remember as a peck on the key board. So I asked him what that word meant. My son went on to describe every political theme that is isolationist. And I even told him that it sound like Isolationism by use of a synonym. So like you can call it anything you want but it comes out on the side of Isolationist political policies of an America that was wise but militarily weak.
Since World War II and the second deliverance of Europe from the aspirations of non-Democratic hegemons; America has been the global top dog. Indeed America did not wane in power but waxed stronger and stronger that its military policies terminated the existence of the Communistic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The USSR can arguably be denounced as even a more brutal regime than Hitler inflicted Europe.
My Libertarian son argued that American entanglements are causing greater and greater debt that will lead to the collapse of the Dollar and American depression. Now I cannot say he is wrong; however I believe withdrawing from being the global top dog will make America a target for foreign economic manipulation and thus also leading to a dollar collapse.
I told him I felt the greatest threat to American prosperity is the control of the world’s oil reserves by Islamists, despots and nations leaning toward despotism. Thus it is in the American National Interest to secure Iraq by either persuading the Muslims toward a democratic government or failing that working a favorable deal to keep a Muslim despot or Islamic oligarchy in power that favors the American National Interests. That is just the plain reality of keeping America prosperous and secure even if non-American nations do not like.
I assure you a resurgent Russia or a growing China would do the same to America if one or both were the global hegemonic powers. China’s subjugation of Tibet is an example that proves that I am correct. A pro-active America will be a safe America.
Then my Libertarian son told me America has the largest oil reserves in the world and we can do without Middle Eastern oil. I told him he was mistaken. I agreed we have a substantial amount of oil reserves that currently is not economically feasible to extract or is prohibited from attaining by moonbat Leftist environmentalists.
We ended our discussion there up in the air.
Now here is thing that brought all this back to remembrance for me.
First a telephone discussion with my daughter in Washington State enlightened me that some Americans were paying $4.50/gallon (as of this post).
Second I received an email alert from Freedoms Watch spelling out the Democratic Party controlled Congress is preparing to raise taxes on gasoline at the pump for moonbat environmental reasons.
So I began to do a little preliminary digging into oil.
As of 2006 the top 10 nations with oil reserves are:
(I have to point out to my Libertarian son that America is not even in the top ten. It is off the point but snicker-snicker anyway. America is number eleven in 2006)
Of the top ten only Canada is a consistent and dedicated democratic nation. Russia is swaying back toward despotism. Venezuela foolishly elected a Marxist President who has taken it upon himself to undemocratically strengthen his power base. Nigeria’s democracy is not stable being highly influenced by its military and increasingly the Sharia Law minded Muslims getting the violently oppressive hand the Christians. The rest of the top ten are dominated by Mohammedan governments that apply non-democratic and oppressive Sharia Law in varying degrees of enforcement. The Sunni and Shi’ite Clerics for the most part preach and instill hatred toward America and Israel. Our so-called Arab friends like Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan do little to offset the religious and Middle Eastern hate propaganda.
Ironically in May 2008 Iraq has discovered from recent geological surveys and seismic studies that their position in the top ten has been upgraded from number five all the way to the top at number one. While Iran and Syria send military aid to Islamist terrorists within Iraq, Iraq has still been able to increase its oil production in the very midst of a war.
I am beginning to ponder that there is some kind of price gauging between international oil companies and/or the oil producers. This is not good for the American consumer.
Now I am finding out via email that the Democrats are preparing to tax an already over priced gasoline market. Get upset!
Here is the email:
It is particularly the later part that separates Neocons from the rest of the Right (e.g. Paleocons, Moderate Conservatives or Libertarian Conservatives and et al).
Among my fellow Conservatives I might even be maligned.
If you have read this far be patient as I pursue a point that is really beginning to bug me.
My son (who also happens to be my computer geek for our personal website) is leaning these days toward the Libertarian Right as espoused by former Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul. Neither of us are economic experts yet that did not prevent us from what on the Conservative side would best benefit America.
My son believes that America should withdraw American prowess from policing the world and not be involved in entangling treaties with other nations as indeed George Washington warned not to do as he left his second term in office as President. Now to me that sounded like Isolationism; however my son rebuked me by giving me another word which I cannot remember as a peck on the key board. So I asked him what that word meant. My son went on to describe every political theme that is isolationist. And I even told him that it sound like Isolationism by use of a synonym. So like you can call it anything you want but it comes out on the side of Isolationist political policies of an America that was wise but militarily weak.
Since World War II and the second deliverance of Europe from the aspirations of non-Democratic hegemons; America has been the global top dog. Indeed America did not wane in power but waxed stronger and stronger that its military policies terminated the existence of the Communistic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The USSR can arguably be denounced as even a more brutal regime than Hitler inflicted Europe.
My Libertarian son argued that American entanglements are causing greater and greater debt that will lead to the collapse of the Dollar and American depression. Now I cannot say he is wrong; however I believe withdrawing from being the global top dog will make America a target for foreign economic manipulation and thus also leading to a dollar collapse.
I told him I felt the greatest threat to American prosperity is the control of the world’s oil reserves by Islamists, despots and nations leaning toward despotism. Thus it is in the American National Interest to secure Iraq by either persuading the Muslims toward a democratic government or failing that working a favorable deal to keep a Muslim despot or Islamic oligarchy in power that favors the American National Interests. That is just the plain reality of keeping America prosperous and secure even if non-American nations do not like.
I assure you a resurgent Russia or a growing China would do the same to America if one or both were the global hegemonic powers. China’s subjugation of Tibet is an example that proves that I am correct. A pro-active America will be a safe America.
Then my Libertarian son told me America has the largest oil reserves in the world and we can do without Middle Eastern oil. I told him he was mistaken. I agreed we have a substantial amount of oil reserves that currently is not economically feasible to extract or is prohibited from attaining by moonbat Leftist environmentalists.
We ended our discussion there up in the air.
Now here is thing that brought all this back to remembrance for me.
First a telephone discussion with my daughter in Washington State enlightened me that some Americans were paying $4.50/gallon (as of this post).
Second I received an email alert from Freedoms Watch spelling out the Democratic Party controlled Congress is preparing to raise taxes on gasoline at the pump for moonbat environmental reasons.
So I began to do a little preliminary digging into oil.
As of 2006 the top 10 nations with oil reserves are:
- 1. Saudi Arabia
2. Canada
3. Iran
4. Kuwait
5. Iraq
6. United Arab Emirates
7. Venezuela
8. Russia
9. Libya
10. Nigeria
Source: CIA – The World Fact Book
(I have to point out to my Libertarian son that America is not even in the top ten. It is off the point but snicker-snicker anyway. America is number eleven in 2006)
Of the top ten only Canada is a consistent and dedicated democratic nation. Russia is swaying back toward despotism. Venezuela foolishly elected a Marxist President who has taken it upon himself to undemocratically strengthen his power base. Nigeria’s democracy is not stable being highly influenced by its military and increasingly the Sharia Law minded Muslims getting the violently oppressive hand the Christians. The rest of the top ten are dominated by Mohammedan governments that apply non-democratic and oppressive Sharia Law in varying degrees of enforcement. The Sunni and Shi’ite Clerics for the most part preach and instill hatred toward America and Israel. Our so-called Arab friends like Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan do little to offset the religious and Middle Eastern hate propaganda.
Ironically in May 2008 Iraq has discovered from recent geological surveys and seismic studies that their position in the top ten has been upgraded from number five all the way to the top at number one. While Iran and Syria send military aid to Islamist terrorists within Iraq, Iraq has still been able to increase its oil production in the very midst of a war.
I am beginning to ponder that there is some kind of price gauging between international oil companies and/or the oil producers. This is not good for the American consumer.
Now I am finding out via email that the Democrats are preparing to tax an already over priced gasoline market. Get upset!
Here is the email:
- Stop the Senate from raising gas prices
Joe Eule
Freedoms Watch
Sent: June 5, 2008 6:13:05 PM
At $4 a gallon, Americans are hurting at the gas pump. Higher gas prices are affecting every part of our life. We’re paying more for food, milk, clothes, and cooling our homes. Even summer vacations are in jeopardy.
Yet the Senate is about to vote on a bill (S. 2191) that would make things worse by raising gas prices, increasing home energy bills, and slowing the economy, and we need your help to stop it. Send an email to your Senators and sign our petition today!
Sponsors say their bill will reduce the greenhouse gases that cause climate change. They call their plan "cap and trade," but it is really a huge hidden carbon tax on our economy that will have devastating consequences.
This bill could not come at a worse time. Last week General Motors announced it was closing four plants, putting nearly 5,000 Americans out of work. Thousands more in supporting industries will also lose their jobs.
Meanwhile, United Airlines announced it was slashing 1,600 jobs, idling older planes, and cutting routes - all because of skyrocketing gas prices.
Is your job next?
Incredibly, the bill before the Senate is estimated to raise the price of gasoline $1.10 a gallon, raise taxes, and increase your home energy bills (to find out what these higher costs will be where you live, click here).
This bill is so bad the Wall Street Journal called it “the largest income redistribution scheme since the income tax.” That’s saying something.
So please help us stop this bill from becoming law. First, click here to send your senators an email opposing S. 2191. Second, sign our petition opposing this bill that we can deliver to the Senate on your behalf.
With your help, we can stop this liberal assault on the paycheck you work so hard to earn. Please act NOW!
Joe EuleChief of Staff
Freedom's Watch
Paid for by Freedom's Watch, a 501 (C)4 issues advocacy organization. Contributions or gifts to Freedom's Watch are not refundable or transferable and are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. Freedom's Watch may accept contributions from individuals and corporations. Contributions from foreign nationals are prohibited.
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- info@freedomswatch.org
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