Thursday, May 29, 2008

Parsley: USA Created For a Purpose

Here is a YouTube of Pastor Rod Parsley preaching God created the United States of America to destroy Islam. I suspect the vid was created to show Parsley as a hater or a bigot; however I got to tell you Parsley’s words may just be prophetic.

I realize a number of people have found peace in Islam. I find that delusional since I am a Christian and I realize the converse is true about what Muslims think of Christianity; i.e. we are delusional for rejecting Allah and his last prophet Mohammed.

Here is the thing: comparing core
tenets of Islam with that of Christianity, Islam comes out on the side of evil.

It is very simple. Evil is not good.

Compare the core tenets of
Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism and so on with Islam. You will discover the same thing: Islam comes out on the side of evil. Evil is not good.

Check it out: as a Christian I believe Christianity is the one true way to God. By the 21st century most Christians would use Godly persuasion and the power of God (I know that sounds silly if you are a doubter but hang with me) to win Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, etc. The days of forced conversions by political leaders who are Christians is a thing of the past for most enlightened Christians understand that is not the way of Christ.

Islam may use persuasion in nations in which they are the minority in the 21st century to win converts however wherever
Islam is the majority forced conversions occur all the time. This is particularly the case of kidnapped women. And if a Christian or Jew convert to Islam and realize their mistake and repent and turn back to their faith, that person faces a death penalty and that person’s family is doomed to Islam. Islamic apostates deserve death according to Islamic core teachings.

My thought is that Rod Parsley is not a hater or a bigot, he is a truth teller.
Take a couple of minutes and Listen to him.

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