Sunday, May 04, 2008

MI6 & Mossad Intelligence Disputes NIE 2007

Remember the National Intelligence Estimate of 2007 that proclaimed to the world that Iran had abandoned a weapons program in connection with the building of their weapons grade nuclear plant?

When that NIE report came out Iran crowed the big International “I told you so.”

But here is the thing: the
NIE 2007 contradicted previous NIE reports and did not align with Israeli Intelligence. Many anti-war Westerners obviously would slough off Israeli Intelligence due to the fact that Israel and Iran are mortal enemies publicly in the war of words and behind the back door with the hushed diplomatic channels on obvious Iranian military supplies to Hezbollah and Hamas. Those two Islamist murdering terrorists (one is Shi’ite and the latter is Sunni) have one agenda: the destruction of Israel and the genocide of Jews.

But lo and behold it is becoming evident that
NIE 2007 was a report put together by pro-Arab/pro-Islam oil authors because recent events (including the Israeli destruction of a secret Syrian nuclear program) and verified Intelligence from both British and Israeli Intelligence sheds light on a different outcome than NIE 2007. That outcome is indeed that Iran is has a nuke weapons program.

Apparently if the pro-Arab/pro-oil American Intelligence is willing to look the other way to embarrass the Bush Administration, Mossad of Israel and MI6 of Britain are collaborating and putting Intelligence notes that are leaning strongly to another conclusion completely divergent of the
American Intelligence Community (an amalgam of Intelligence Agencies) headed by the Director of National Intelligence that collated the data to arrive at the NIE 2007 conclusion on Iran’s agenda.

Mossad and MI6 believe
there is substantial evidence to execute some form of military strike on Iran to slow down or hopefully end Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Israel is even willing to risk a go it alone mission. Israel is hoping to get at least an OK from Washington and London to back up such an expedition since Leftists in both nations would scream bleeding heart murder if the American and British governments participated in such an endeavor.

My guess is that an Israeli strike would provoke a Middle Eastern free-for-all military chess that would draw America and possibly Western nations into the fray. That is not even mentioning the probable support of Iran by Russia and China that could range from limited to the extreme.

Wake up America! The Islamist/Western confrontation is on the horizon.


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