Have you noticed that the Mainstream Media (MSM), Democrats and Republicans are predicting Jeremiah Wright’s racism against Whites, friendship with anti-Semitic Farrakhan and the promotion of the Black Liberation Theology will have little effect on Barack Hussein Obama’s Campaign if he should win the Democratic Nomination for President?
It must be a Politically Correct think for those three groups to agree on the effect of Wright.
I am here to tell you that Black Liberation Theology (BLT) alone not just Wright’s deviant Black Supremacist/Victimhood stance should affect how Americans vote if Obama should win the Democratic nomination. Proponents of BLT have said the theology stems from the concern Jesus Christ had for the poor and downtrodden. Critics have viewed BLT as Black Supremacism disguised with the word “Christianity”. BLT is more akin to Marxism and the Black Power movements (such as the Black Panthers or Nation of Islam). BLT criticizes the White Man for all the ills the Black Man’s past history and present circumstances, utilizing facts to distort the impact on Blacks is a huge exaggeration of BLT.
Rev. Rob Schenck was on Hannity’s America show discussing Jeremiah Wright’s embracing of BLT. Schenck made it clear that BLT is very close to the Liberation Theology of Latin America which was overtly pro-Marxist (supporting Latin American Communists), Anti-Catholic and Anti-American. JRH(Hat tip ChristianNewsWire.com) *************** UPDATED from SlantRight.com archive site 7/10/15 +++
Some have asked why I’m spending any time at all on the subject of Rev. Jeremiah Wright and why Faith and Action is offering coverage of him. The essay below explains my reasoning.
The Reverend Jeremiah Wright, long-time pastor to presidential candidate Barack Obama, has burst on the scene like a mighty explosion. At this time two years ago he was virtually unknown outside a narrow subset of liberal white and extraordinarily socially activist black churches. It goes without saying Wright’s recent notoriety is inseparably linked to the nearly equal explosion of Obama’s fame. While politically and perhaps even personally uncomfortable for the candidate, Wright and Obama were a duo in their launch. Now, though, Wright occupies significant space of his own on the national stage and that space is all about his peculiar brand of theology. The reason this is of great concern to me and to our ministry is because of the new force behind its corrupting influence in both the church and society at large.
Until now, so-called “black liberation theology” (“BLT”) was an obscure, even arcane school of thought within the black church. Very few African-Americans embraced it. Professor James Cone of New York’s Union Theological Seminary, basically the progenitor of BLT, enjoyed limited notoriety, almost entirely within racially controversial academic circles. The emergence of Obama as a social movement icon, and his deep association with a popular black liberationist, has changed all of this. Cone refers to Wright and his Trinity United Church of Christ (still Obama’s congregation of membership) as the best examples of BLT in action.
As long as Obama remains a political and social force, Wright’s and Trinity’s theology will only gain in interest and popularity. Should Obama win the White House in November, the currency of Wright, Cone and BLT will jump exponentially. There’s nothing like the U.S. presidency to propel even the most obscure religious personalities and practices into the main stream of American life. Until Jimmy Carter, “born again” was a little-known phrase and faith healers, like his sister, Ruth Carter Stapleton, almost completely invisible outside a tiny minority of Pentecostal and charismatic churches. It was Ronald Reagan’s presidency that would give “evangelicals” and Jerry Falwell a permanent place on the American political landscape. An Obama presidency will do the same for black liberation theology and Jeremiah Wright. Nearly as much has already been accomplished by the Obama candidacy.
Fame is itself an irresistibly seductive force. Both BLT and Wright now have plenty of fame compliments of the Obama family’s membership at Trinity United Church of Christ. This alone will result in more preachers and churches embracing this dangerous heresy. Wright’s and BLT’s spiritual poison is reason enough for us to remain concerned with it. The continuing intersection between BLT, Wright and American politics makes that concern even graver. An Obama White House will make BLT a true force in American religious and public life. The cornerstone of BLT philosophy is radical social change. Unless society is forced to make those radical changes, there is no salvation.
Whether or not Barack Obama is elected president this November, we will continue to track black liberation theology and its proponents. We will continue to expose the flawed roots and elements of this misconception of God. Even more so, we will examine the bitter fruit of liberationist theory over its history in the U.S. and around the world. More positively, we will continue to showcase those African-American voices and others who are courageous enough to go up against this religious juggernaut and risk being characterized as self-loathing or bigoted.
Jeremiah Wright, James Cone and other liberation apologists have cast themselves as “prophets.” The Bible says, “Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge.” (1 Corinthians 14:29) We will continue to put this stuff out there so you and others can judge for yourselves whether it comports with what you believe, what the church teaches and what America should practice.
Faith and Action is a nonprofit religious, charitable and educational organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. It relies on the private financial support of individuals, the general public, foundations, and corporations for its income. Contributions to Faith and Action are tax-deductible to the full extent of IRS regulations.
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