Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I have read the nuttiest decision President Bush is pursuing to offset the probable nuclear threat of Shi’ite Iran. Old GW is negotiating for America to build “peaceful” nuclear technology in Saudi Arabia.

To be realistic I do understand as to the “why” GW is pursuing the path of courting big oil Arabs with nuclear technology. I presume GW is looking at the realism that our so-called European allies have zero intention in supporting America and Israel in a military strike to eliminate or set back Iran’s nuclear ambitions to be THE Middle Eastern hegemon with the
Twelver Shi’ite Messianic fervor to destroy Israel.

One would be a moron to think rogue nation Iran is not driven by Islamic fervor to
spread Islam globally in the style of medieval prophet Mohammed. That style is using the brutal sword to convert, become a dhimmi (the so-called “protected” sub-human non-Mohammedan class) or die. Iran’s Twelver Shi’ite tentacles have reached to Syria’s Alawite Shi’ites (the minority yet governing class) and to the Hezbollah (Khomeini admiring) Shi’ites of Lebanon. Shi’ite Iran has incredulously even delivered military hardware to the Sunni terrorists Hamas. I say “incredulously” because the Hamas radical Islam is of the Sunni Wahhabi of Saudi Arabia and Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt. This kind of Sunni believes the Shi’ite Muslim are kafir (or kuffar or whatever variation that is translated to English) as much as Christian, Jews or any other non-Mohammedan.

Now here is the rub: Wahhabi and Muslim Brotherhood factions of Mohammedanism also believe in
the spread of Islam by any violent means necessary. Of late the Muslim Brotherhood has diversified its tactics of spreading Mohammedanism by supporting the usual outward tactic of violent jihad (Hamas, al Qaeda and others) and infiltrating Western Society utilizing Western tools of Liberty and Democracy as silent weapons against America and the West.

Wahhabist doctrine specifically warns Muslims not to imitate, befriend or help “infidels” in any way. It instills hatred for United States because we are ruled by legislated constitutional law rather than by tyrannical Sharia law. Wahhabists are instructed by edict to, above all, work for the creation of an Islamic state where ever they may dwell.

It is because of the Wahhabist ideology’s cruel and unyielding fanaticism that we in the United States should be concerned with its prevalence within the mosques of our nation.

After the Iranian Islamic Revolution of 1979 – an unprecedented action by the fundamentalists of the Shi’ite sect, the Saudi Arabian government responded by coming to terms with the fundamentalist Wahhabist movement of the Sunni sect. The Saudis, in return for a declaration of non-aggression, began to finance the construction of mosques in countries around the world. An estimated $45 billion has been spent by the Saudis to finance the building and operational costs of mosques and Islamic schools in foreign countries, including in North America.

Through the funding of mosques, Islamic Centers and their operations, Saudi Arabia is exporting the Wahhabist ideology. It is not unusual to find that the presiding cleric in any given mosque within the United States is a Wahhabist and that his teachings have been sanctioned and financed by the Saudi government and vetted by the Muslim Brotherhood. (
Frank Salvato)

Can you see why it is just as crazy to proffer nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia as it is to allow Iran to lie about a peace nuclear program that everyone knows is a future factory for nuclear warheads?

If the Islamist nuts in Iran follow through with nuclear weapons and GW allows the Saudis to acquire nuclear technology which would lead to nuclear weapons, who would I blame? Surprisingly I would not blame GW for planting the seed for WMD proliferation. I would first blame the deluded Europeans that did not have the guts to back GW in the Global War on Terrorism followed closely by blaming America’s own Leftists.

The Appeasers may have tied the hands of GW to engage Islamist Arabs to counter Islamist Iranians to stall for time for the next President to develop a strategy for the West to WAKE-UP.

God Almighty let us pray the Prince of Appeasers in America is elected President. Barack Hussein Obama will go into the enemy’s camp like Prime Minister Chamberlain went to Germany just prior to WWII.
Chamberlain proudly proclaimed his meeting with Hitler will bring peace for our time. Peace for our time meant agreeing to allow Hitler to annex Sudetenland in then Czechoslovakia which gave Hitler time to make a pact with Soviet Stalin to divide Poland. The Nazi blitzkrieg on Poland became the last straw in Europe and France and Britain FINALLY perceived no amount of appeasement would bring peace for our time. Hitler even turned on his buddy Stalin (which was not surprising because Stalin had his own delusions of grandeur and would have turned on Hitler). And so WWII began.

What would the Prince of Appeasers give up to proclaim peace for our time to the Islamists? Hmm … I am thinking that would be Israel. Then what? What would be the West’s modern Poland?

Here is the
United American Committee email alert I received on May 17 which inspired my polemics:

ACTION ALERT: U.S. to help Saudis gain nuclear technology:

Today the United American Committee is alerting its members to an issue at hand that the UAC finds utterly disgusting, troubling, and gravely dangerous.

The United States government has agreed to help the radical kingdom called Saudi Arabia develop nuclear technology for power and other “peaceful” purposes.
See the news article here.

The UAC wishes to remind everyone of an
article from 2003 describing the Saudi kingdom's intense desire to develop a nuclear bomb.

Due to overwhelming evidence and hard facts, the UAC firmly believes that the Saudi kingdom is the chief exporter of terrorism and extremism in the world. The kingdom spend billions of dollars on exporting their extremist ideology through the construction of radical mosques and madrassas throughout the world, as well as direct support to terror support in the form of money to the families of suicide bombers, as well as direct contributions to charities in the United States who believe in establishing Islamic law in America. The kingdom also spends billions of dollars supporting lobbying activities to influence our government officials.

We urge every United American Committee member and activist within the anti-jihad resistance to contact their congressman and senators to let your opinion be known.

Find your congressman by following this link.
Find your senator by following this link.


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