Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lebanon’s “300″

America fighting the Global War on Terror watches as anti-Hezbollah forces valiantly refuse to lie down.

The United Nations (the global joke on standing for peace and human rights) which has U.N. Peace Keeping Forces in Southern Lebanon watch as anti-Hezbollah forces valiantly refuse to lie down.

European Powers (France, Germany, Britain and EU) look the other way as anti-Hezbollah forces refuse to lie down.

Walid Phares equates the anti-Hezbollah forces to the Spartans legendary 300 that held Thermopylae against the invading superior military Persians long enough for the then usually internally fractured Greeks to come together to defeat Persia: The very Persia that calls itself today Iran.

Read Phares account of foreign Iranian and Syrian aid to Hezbollah to usurp the democratically elected government of Lebanon.

JRH 5/13/08

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