Monday, May 26, 2008

Interpol Ties Chavez to Marxist Terrorists FARC

Remember the incident in South America in which Columbian forces entered Venezuelan territory fought with a FARC drug lord and killed him? As part of the spoils of this minor victory over the global drug market eight laptops were seized and taken back to Columbia in their hasty exit from Venezuela.

Of course
Marxist Hugo Chavez went postal and began some saber rattling against Columbia and old Hugo got his buddy Marxist Rafael Correa to also move troops to the Columbia/Ecuador border all in an effort of typical communist intimidation.

Now let’s talk about those eight laptops.
Columbia had Interpol forensic experts examine them. Now Interpol is a police force NOT known for corruption. Interpol discovered potential evidence on the laptops linking FARC with Hugo Chavez’s Venezuelan Government. It should be of no surprise because FARC’s original purpose for existing is as a Communist movement (of the old Marxist/Leninist brand) to overthrow the Columbian government. It just happens that ideology is overshadowed by thuggery and international drug dealing (with a little kidnapping thrown in for good measure) as an illegal capitalist enterprise. How is that for the effectiveness of Marxist ideology?

Anyway if the loose ends can be attached to Uncle Hugo with Interpol’s forensic discoveries, then America has an outstanding case to force the rusty wheels of the U.N. Security Council to throw a monkey wrench in the agenda of Hugo Chavez.


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