Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Obama Lying?

Did you believe Obama’s simultaneous condemnation and affirmation of his Pastor Jeremiah Wright?

Read what does not add up.

JRH 3/19/08


Anonymous said...

The only reason you dont like Obama is because you are a racist and dont want a black man to be the president of the usa.

SlantRight 2.0 said...

Anonymous, If I could look straight into your eyes I would do so and call you a bold face LIAR.

I dislike Obama because he is a Fringe Leftist Democrat. Meaning there is an agenda to transform America into a Christian hating morally hedonistic nation by deluding the poor with entitlements to get their votes.

If there is a racist here it is Obama associating White hating black preach Jeremiah Wright who in turn associates with Louis Farrakhan a noted black Nation of Islam anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, white hating anti-American. O and I forgot, Obama flirted with the Nation of Islam for awhile in his youth.

Back up your accusation before you make it anonymous!

Anonymous said...

If tomorrow you found out that Jesus was black, would you still be a christian?

SlantRight 2.0 said...

If I found out Jesus was Black, Would I still be a Christian?

A fascinating question to bait me with.

If Jesus Christ the Savior of humanity was Black I would still be a Christian.

However it is unlikely that he was Black; or White for that matter.

Jesus most likely a dark skinned Aramaic Jew, probably with the appearance of Middle Eastern features (e.g. Arabic or Iranian but probably the Arabic look since Arabs and Jews have a Semitic origin).

Anonymous said...

So your god looked like Bin Laden,Yasser Arafat, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?

SlantRight 2.0 said...

I would say that is a logical guess. Do you have a point?