Sunday, March 30, 2008

Peace and Anti-war Advocacy Act Oxymoronic

One would think “peace advocates” or “anti-war organizations” would demonstrate their grievances under the First Amendment in a peaceful manner. Let us see, what the definition is of “peace:”

    1. The absence of war or other hostilities.

    2. An agreement or a treaty to end hostilities.

    3. Freedom from quarrels and disagreement; harmonious relations: roommates living in peace with each other.

    4. Public security and order: was arrested for disturbing the peace.

    5. Inner contentment; serenity: peace of mind.
    Yahoo Education Dictionary

Presumably the expression “anti-war” means the opposite of war or perhaps it means against war.

Now let us examine the emerging predilection of “peace advocates” and “anti-war organizations.” The predilection is to vandalize military recruitment centers, violent acts up to including bombing and the threat of violence if recruitment does not close their doors.

Hmm … These actions not only sound moronic but are the actions which are oxymoronic to the appellation of “peace advocacy” and “anti-war.”

Here is a
Fox News report that proves peace advocates and anti-war organizations act in an oxymoron hypocritical fashion. Such is the case we can label them morons.

JRH (Hat tip to Move America Forward)

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