Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Clear Connections Between Iraq And al-Qaeda

Hold the Leftist Press release, apparently there was a bit of prematurity of the Pentagon announcement that an analysis of Saddam’s Iraq Government documents shows no connection to al Qaeda.

It is becoming evident the more evidence that emerges demonstrating global terrorism targeting America,
the more tenured bureaucrats try to bury it with public denials and deficient reports not utilizing the full information available.

Why the anti-Bush/Anti-war cover-up within the Bush Administration (State Department, Defense Department, CIA, etc.) and the Democratic Party in Congress?

Can someone make sense of it?

JRH 3/15/08


Anonymous said...

Basically Bush and most of his country man are a bunch of pig eaters grand-sons of pedophiles; proclaiming Jesus Christ , in reality a pagan god called Mithra, to be the real god.

In their path of destruction is to steal all the muslims oil and bring pornography, drugs, sexually transmitted diseases and the fake god jesus christ through their military to the simple innocent muslims living in poor villages.

They are the tools of satan and will rule on earth . The land of satan. Allah also plans their destruction..Allah is the best planner.

SlantRight 2.0 said...

There very few "simple innocent Muslims" living in the Middle East. In Iraq many of the Mohammedans that initially hooked up with al Qaeda are abandoning the murderous Islamic Terrorists and join the new Iraqi Government and the American military to squash al Qaeda in Iraq. I bet that is driving you nuts.


Anonymous said...

And who brought al-qaeda to Iraq??

SlantRight 2.0 said...

Well Anonymous it is obvious they came of their own initiative to perpetuate their evil of terrorism against any success America might have in rebuilding Iraq.