Saturday, March 29, 2008

It is Time to Openly Confront Islamic Effrontery of the West

Islamofascism and the inherent Theo-political cult of death known as Islam to adherents and as Mohammedanism to people like me that have disdain for a medieval threat of violence that terrifies those that love Liberty and Freedom has struck fear into LiveLeak.

LiveLeak was the video service I used to share the Movie Short
Fitna to readers who wished to be educated about the true nature of Mohammedanism. That link now leads to a LiveLeak apology to its clientele because the fear of death threats to its staff constrained them to cave into Islamofascism to place security above the passion of Freedom.

Actually I cannot blame LiveLeak. With governments in the West promoting Appeasement to Mohammedans at the cost of Freedom and Liberty that has evolved in the world with the example of the American experiment after the Revolutionary War.

Western governments and the U.S. government have allowed litigation, the fear of Mohammedan rioting and the threat of Islamic terrorism killing citizens in the West in the name of Mohammed and Allah to Appease the protests of Mohammedans that value medieval Sharia Law above the modern concept of Freedom and Liberty.

Thanks to
World Net Daily I have found a Part 1 and Part 2 division of the LiveLeak version on YouTube. My wonder is this: Will YouTube experience pressure to cave into Islamofascism and depreciate Freedom and Liberty as LiveLeak was forced to do?

It is time for the Governments of the West to put down their differences of Leftwing ideology and Rightwing ideology and confront the foreign cultural values of Theo-political Mohammedan ideology aggressively to protect not only our citizens but to defend the levels of Freedom and Liberty the West has attained.

If aggressively means deporting residential aliens and/or jailing naturalized citizens that support the death cult that expects acts of violence to rain down on people utilizing Freedom of Speech or Conscience, then so be it.

As an American, I for one have grown weary and impatient that Political Correctness terminates my Constitutional Rights of Freedom and Liberty deeming my criticism of Mohammedanism as “Hate Speech” when in fact my criticism of Mohammedanism is a defense of Freedom and Liberty. Frankly I do not care if Western Freedom and Liberty offends Mohammedanism. I am an American living in secular-political nation with a heritage of Christianity that has influenced right, wrong and principles of Justice.

Come on LEFT and RIGHT, we are not each other’s enemy common enemy to the way we live. That enemy is Mohammedanism as expressed by radical Islamism with greater and greater acceptance by Mohammedans in general. I am speaking to the LEFT and RIGHT: we disagree on the direction America should take, but we agree on using interpretations of Constitutional Law to find that direction. Mohammedanism seeks to eliminate the path of Freedom and Liberty embedded in the American mind of the LEFT and RIGHT.

Americans UNITE! Even more important: Western style nations UNITE! Let us confront Mohammedanism even as they accuse the West anyway. It is time for a 21st century Crusade.

Now I know Leftwing Academic historians have painted the ugly facts of the medieval Crusades. Those facts are accurately ugly. However the demon of
Political Correctness fails to equally paint the ugly facts of Mohammedan military advancement and conquests that were equally if not heinously worse than the ugliness of the medieval Crusades.

The thing is the Mohammedan mindset of medieval ugliness is alive and well in the 21st century whereas it is the West that has such principles of the
Geneva Conventions (even though many in the West have only partially practiced those Conventions or totally ignored them).

adherence to the Geneva Conventions (of degrees of the lack thereof) is a modern phenomena compared to the medieval principles utilized by Islamists extracted from their own holy writings. Yes I know there are compassionate Mohammedan holy writings; however in the 21st century Islamism leans on the interpretations of medieval brutality of death and destruction to non-Mohammedans (kafir) and Mohammedans that do not agree with Islamist interpretations.

It is time to meet
21st century Jihad with a 21st century Crusade that is more secular than religious and with the rules of engagement that the Allies used in WWII to defeat the Axis Powers utterly with the terms of unconditional surrender. Forsake principles of Political Correctness, it will destroy the West.



Anonymous said...

Missionaries fuel anger in Jordan

March 16, 2008
Taipei Times

Jordanian Christians are up in arms over the activities of foreign missionaries in the conservative Muslim kingdom, which is rich in biblical sites, including the spot where Jesus was baptized.

The dispute erupted after the government announced last month that it had deported an unspecified number of expatriates for carrying out Christian missionary activities under the guise of charity work.

The move was welcomed by several Christian figures, with many voicing concern that foreign missionaries were seeking to upset the traditionally stable ties between Muslims and Christians in Jordan.

"Missionary groups have hidden agendas and are close to Christian Zionists," said former member of parliament Odeh Kawwas, a Greek Orthodox.

Fellow Christian Fahd Kheitan, an outspoken columnist at Al-Arab Al-Yawm newspaper, said the majority of Christians are "very suspicious and worried."

"The [missionaries] target the strong beliefs of traditional churches in Jordan and try to create religious links with the Zionist movement, which is extremely dangerous," Kheitan said.

Some Christian supporters of Israel, notably a segment in the US, believe the return of Jews to the Holy Land and the 1948 creation of the Jewish state are in line with biblical prophecy.

Acting Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh told parliament last month that "some foreign groups have come to Jordan under the cover of doing charity, but they broke the law and did missionary activities." He did not give figures.

Converting from Islam to Christianity is prohibited in Jordan and foreign missionary groups are banned from seeking converts, although they can run schools, charitable organizations, hospitals and orphanages.

"For years we have been urging the government to close such Christian shops that have nothing to do with Christianity and tolerance," said Kawwas, referring to missionaries who convert Muslims in violation of the law.

"It is an old problem," he said.

"They create sensitivities and provoke discord among Jordanian Christians, not to mention their threat to Muslim-Christian coexistence," he said.

"These groups don't belong to any church, but they try to hunt followers of other churches and trick some of our Muslim brothers to convert them," he said.

Christians represent around 4 percent of Jordan's population of nearly 6 million, including Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Armenian and Latin rites.

They are well integrated in the kingdom, where one Christian holds a ministerial post while 8 percent control seats in the 110-member lower house of parliament.

The kingdom is home to Mount Nebo overlooking the Dead Sea and the hills of Jerusalem, where according to biblical tradition God showed Moses the Promised Land.

It is also where Jordanians say Jesus Christ was baptized by his cousin St John and where the latter preached and was beheaded by Herod the Great.

After the 1994 Jordanian-Israeli peace treaty, archaeologists found ancient churches and baptismal pools on the east bank of the Jordan River, leading them to conclude they had found the place where Jesus was baptized.

The kingdom is also home to several tombs of the Prophet Mohammed's companions and Mount Nebo is a destination for Christian, Muslim and Jewish pilgrims alike who revere Moses.

Kheitan says the US has put pressure on its allies in Amman to allow missionaries into the country, where he says these groups have used their relations with some officials to "build a base."

"But the kingdom has realized now that the situation threatens the internal front," Kheitan said.

The authorities have not provided figures about the number of missionaries operating in Jordan, but a 2006 report by the US Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor said there were 42 groups.

The decision to deport foreign missionaries came as Jordan's Council of Churches warned last month about what it called 40 sects that "threaten national security and create religious discord at the heart of the Christian community and between Muslims and Christians."

SlantRight 2.0 said...

Hello Yusuf,

Alas many Christians that have experienced the illusion of safety either through wealth or status quo are the result of centuries of ingrained dhimmitude. The “traditional stable ties” are under Islamic terms. No bell ringing and no missionary work is allowed as their Savior has called them to do. If these Greek Orthodox Arabs would spread the Good News of Deliverance to Muslims they would be thrown in jail and YOU KNOW IT!

Christian Arabs have been so dhimmified it is normal not to fulfill the GREAT COMMISSION to spread the WORD of God first locally, then nationally and then to the world. (Acts 1: 6-11)