Monday, March 17, 2008


I have got to tell you the Dutch are beginning to understand the wickedness that is inherent in Islam. Now before you peace loving err faithful Muslims send me the hatorade email, I do not condemn anyone who is seeking inner peace through religion of philosophy. (I just pray I could persuade Christianity is The Way to God for that is my faith.)

It is any element of any faith (Christianity included) in which the religion is more cultish in controlling the will of humanity or face the penalty of death in this life.

Many people who are devoted to various faiths have committed atrocity in the name of their religion. I am talking the major faiths of the planet: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and so on. However as far as I know Islam the is the ONLY religion in which its revered holy writings actually promote the use of violence and death to spread its faith, to protect the existence of its faith and to humiliate those who do not believe in Islam (if not kill them altogether)

    · The devious blood lust of Old Mo:

    · Fantastic! A
    Baha’i website has tons Qur’anic blood lust, pillaging, rape and violence that are Muslim Scripture.

    · Here are Tons of Qur’anic and Hadith Muslim Scriptures of the same nature as above at

Not only does America and Western Culture need an education of this Islamic nature, but all parts of planet Earth that currently do not practice Islam.

Man the world needs to have something like that old 1960’s TV show
Lost In Space: “WARNING, WARNING, DANGER, DANGER,” said the old Robot waving its mechanical yet rubber appearing arms.


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