I am assuming Mr. Lewis is referring to the Post Obama, the Muslim Thing, And Why It Matters.
I am making an educated guess and agreeing that Obama is currently not a Muslim; however the “and never has been” is another matter.
Barack Obama and his website echoes Mr. Lewis’ belief: OBAMA IS NOT AND HAS NEVER BEEN A MUSLIM. The “Denial Page” is replete with YouTube videos, Leftist Media corroboration, Jewish corroboration and Political friends’ corroboration that Obama is not now and never has been a Muslim. The website says that Obama is a committed Christian attending Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.
Let us start with the Muslim factor.
The story first broke by Insight Magazine January 2007.
The Leftist immediately jumped on the story as not credible. The Huffington Post a very Leftist media outlet debunked Insight Magazine as a Conservative smear campaign and thus could not be credible. However Cliff Kincaid jumped on the Huffington Post as duplicitous for often has called Insight Magazine a credible source of information, yet now that mud has been found on Obama’s past suddenly Insight Magazine is not credible. Other Left Wing rags joined the HP in its denunciation.
Most of the Left began claiming form the roof tops that Insight Magazine is owned by the super Conservative Washington Times. Of course since Left Wing news sources are more credible the Right Wing news sources (tongue in cheek), the Insight Magazine story is not credible and thus false.
The Lefties had a mission to prove Obama was never connected to Islam and so one of the more famous Left media outlets in CNN was dispatched to Indonesia to investigate if the Right was correct (with the agenda of making the news that the Right was False).
CNN in a January 23, 2008 article concluded that Insight Magazine and Fox News were false. What was CNN’s evidence? The present day school attended in Obama’s youth is a public school with students from multiple faiths and thus not a Radical Islamist Madrassa. Thus it was a conclusion based on present day facts not on the facts that matter – the past.
The odd thing is the Washington Times sent out its own investigative team. Now obviously it has going to have a Slanted Right perspective. Here was the Washington Times Conclusion published a week earlier than CNN reported by Newsmax.
The Washington Times went to Jakarta to investigate Obama's childhood years there, and published an article on March 16 that included these details:
A close boyhood friend of Obama, Zulfin Adi, said Barack "was a Muslim. He went to the mosque."
Obama's first-grade teacher at a Catholic school, Israella Dharmawan, said: "Barry (Barack's nickname) was Muslim. He was registered as a Muslim because his father was Muslim."
In the third grade, Obama transferred to a public school, where he was also registered as a Muslim. At the school, Muslim students attended weekly religion lessons about Islam.
In his autobiography, "Dreams From My Father," Obama mentions studying the Koran and describes the public school as "a Muslim school."
Now what sounds more credible? The CNN Report based on 21 century observations of the school that Obama attended or interviews and assertions and documentation from the Washington Times Report that shows a link to Islam in Obama’s past?
Hmm… What is one to believe? Or soft evidence that looks more like propaganda or hard evidence that includes witnesses and documentation and Obama’s own admission? I think I will go with the latter.
Not let us look at Obama’s deeply committed Christianity.
Here is an excerpt from an American Thinker article published January 29, 2008 by Kyle-Anne Shiver: