Tuesday, April 03, 2007

International Organization of the Like Minded

I just read an article that is an unearthing of another scandal for the United Nations. Really it is an indictment on the inefficiency and corruption of the Administration of former Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

I guess everyone is afraid to say it,
but Annan mantle overlooked some of the worst human misery, genocides and the degeneration of the United Nations itself into a state of third world like administrative corruption.

claimed ignorance over the “Oil for Food” scandal with Saddam Hussein. It was an ignorance that only a moron or a family member would believe.

Annan’s own
son utilized U.N. funds for personal use.

And now the light is illuminating the darkness of U.N. involvement in aiding and abetting North Korea with its counterfeiting of United States currency.

Can anyone deny that Annan’s anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism has enabled the Mohammedan world to effectively propagandize against Israel and America? Much of the hatred in the world is the result of the U.N. under Annan criticizing a sliver slice of a nation known as Israel and siding with Israel’s enemies that surround the Land like a dreaded darkness keeping the sun from rising.

I do not have confidence that Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (a South Korean) has the backing of politically to clean up Annan’s mess.

The United Nations has degenerated into a tool for anti-American and anti-Israeli nations and terrorist organizations bent on their demise. With no real military strength, the U.N. has turned Machiavellian influencing America’s European allies against America. The U.N. (particularly under Annan) has made stock on European hubris that has hated American hegemony and protection.

The only benefit the United Nations has for America is the Security Council. The way the organization of the U.N. is set up America has the power of the veto to undermine anti-American and anti-Israeli interests.

America should embark on its own Machiavellian path. America needs to turn the coalition of the willing into an economic and military alliance to counter global jihad and nations that wish to counter Pax American with their own shot of world domination. That domination would eschew the civil rights, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness that the American Revolution initiated between July 4, 1776 and March 4, 1789.

As long as the United Nations can be stopped by an American veto in the Security Council, the USA should remain. If the time should arise that an American veto at the Security Council holds no value or authority that is the time America should abandon the United Nations.

Do not think abandoning the U.N. would be a selfish act. The Arabs have the Arab League. Radical Islamist terrorist NGO’s have the Wahhabi sect, Muslim Brotherhood, Shi’ite Twelvers and more. Europe has the European Union. I am certain if you can think of some alliances that have goals and interests of commonality you could come up with more.

What U.N. self-investigation will nail the U.N. the big dogs with complicity to North Korean counterfeiting?

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