Sunday, April 01, 2007

British Mosque Links to Documents that Call for Violent Jihad

So-called moderate Mohammedans in America and Europe say that “Jihad” merely means “inner struggle.” The Jawa Report exposes a Birmingham, Britain Mosque as urging Western Muslims to engage in Jihad, the kind in which people are killed.

Jawa Report shows when this Birmingham Mosque was exposed; they removed many links that encouraged violence and death against the Kafir (those that do NOT believe in Mohammedanism). One of those that were recently removed was entitled, “39 Ways to Serve and Participate in Jihad" and "A Declaration of War" written by Osama bin Laden.

The Birmingham Mosque forgot to remove one link:
The Ruling on Jihad and its Divisions by Sheik Yusuf al-Uyaari. This pro-Jihad PDF file explains the difference between greater and lesser Jihad. It also makes the point that the greater Jihad is to spread Mohammedanism across the entire globe killing those who do not convert. The greater Jihad according to the document is preeminent for today.

I downloaded the PDF file just in case the Birmingham Mosque pulls that link as well. Let me know and if you are interested I will email it to you.


Sven Gali said...
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Sven Gali said...
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SlantRight 2.0 said...

I have sent it a second time. I pray it reaches you this time.
