Thursday, April 19, 2007

Leading 'gay' blog attacks Farah's Christianity

This article about Joseph Farah is not so much about how homosexuals are attacking Farah but about a plug for Farah’s new book, “Stop the Presses.” Nonetheless the relevance of Farah’s book relating to how the Mainstream Media (MSM) has bought into radical organizations such as represent homosexuals is something that needs to be discussed in a national forum. Obviously that will not occur with the MSM.

So here is
Farah’s plug.



Leading 'gay' blog attacks Farah's ChristianityCompares faith in Jesus with 'fascist mind control'

Posted: April 19, 20071:00 a.m. Eastern

WASHINGTON – When WND Editor Joseph Farah struck out against what he called "organized radical activists" who have taken over America's newsrooms leading to the downfall of the so-called "mainstream media," he figured there would be a strong reaction in some quarters.

Farah, a former big-city daily newspaper editor before launching WND, provides an eyewitness account of how extremists subverted the very nature of the journalistic profession in his new book, "Stop the Presses! The Inside Story of the New Media Revolution."

Farah claims this "coup" inside the press is leading inexorably to the destruction of the institution in America, chipping away at its credibility and audience. He added: "It couldn't happen to a more arrogant bunch of fascist mind-control freaks."

But a leading blog catering to homosexuals took exception.

"What's funny about all of this is that Farah has never made any secret of his Christian conservative slant," explained "This group, we feel, has a much bigger claim on 'fascist' mind-control. They do have about 2007 years of practice, after all."

Farah said these kinds of reactions make his point.

"Their opposition is not so much to me and what I say, it is opposition to Christianity itself, which people like this believe has been practicing fascist mind control for two millennia," he said. "Christianity, and its older brother, Judaism, formed the very foundation for Western Civilization, for the moral code that has guided us and defined freedom in this fallen world. When you get right down to the bottom line, it is Christianity, Judaism, the moral code they gave humanity and the Western Civilization that sprang from it that is the enemy of these people. They are fundamentally at war with God."

Farah deals extensively with this subject of the takeover of America's newsrooms by activist groups – among them the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association and the Society for Environmental Journalism – in "Stop the Presses!"

"It is interesting," he notes, "that this blogger doesn't really take issue with much of what I say about the state of the media today and how it has been affected by these pressure groups."

The response to Farah's charge begins: "No doubt the face of media's changed in recent years. Nevermind (sic) blogs such as ourselves (sic) – news organizations have made an effort to cover more diverse events, happenings and social groups, including the gay variety."

"They recognize what we all see is true – that the press has bent over backward to appease this radical social movement," Farah says. "What I show conclusively in 'Stop the Presses!' is that this didn't happen by chance. It didn't happen by accident. It didn't happen without pressure. It happened with direction and purpose and with insiders who betrayed the ethical codes of the news profession to get their way."

Many others have addressed issues of media bias before, says Farah. But few other insiders have blown the whistle on the problem. And no one else has exposed the tactics of pressure groups within the press.

Farah says the activists within the media, whether they realize it or not, are mapping a route to their own self-destruction and disfranchisement through the increasingly intolerant and close-minded way they practice their profession.

"Stop the Presses!" explores this issue and many others, including:

· Farah's first-hand account of his efforts at launching, the largest independent news source on the Internet;
· His battle for survival during the Clinton administration, which audited his news agency and used taxpayer funds to maintain dossiers on him.
· A brief history of the free press that explains what a uniquely American concept it is;
· A look at the role of Google, a search engine company Farah deems to be "evil";
· The impact of Matt Drudge and the way he and those who have followed him have changed the media forever;
· The key role WND played in defeating Al Gore's presidential ambitions in 2000;
· The Middle East as a case study in international media distortion.

The book debuts today with major front-of-store promotional display in Barnes & Noble, as the selection of two major monthly book clubs and with the endorsement of Farah's friends, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter.

Limbaugh said: "Joseph Farah was not just 'present at the creation' of the new media revolution, he helped instigate it. 'Stop the Presses!' is a fascinating and freewheeling look at how a harmonic convergence of politics, personalities and technology has forever changed the way Americans interact with their government, their fellow citizens and the world."

Coulter weighed in: "WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah is uniquely qualified to tell the real story of the 'new media revolution.' After all, he helped start it. This Patrick Henry of the Internet will have you hoisting a Sam Adams in celebration."

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