Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Times They Are a Changing

If one views time as circular or a series of historical repetitions, then Christianities time line has almost come full circle or is beginning to repeat earlier views of past history.

A significant amount of members of the European Parliament (MEPs) is criticizing the EU’s Ellen Sauerbrey, Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration because
she is scheduled to attend the World Congress of Families IV in Warsaw, Poland. Why are the MEPs critical of the World Congress of Families IV?

The conference is supportive of traditional Christian values, meaning for example homosexuality is looked upon as a value NOT conducive to the family. The MEPs have labeled some of the Congress attendees as extremist in their views.

Europe was once the great fountain of the Christian faith. Europe was also once the great fountain polytheism, some very barbaric and some very intellectual. The intellectual polytheists (primarily the Romans) tried to persecute and stamp Christianity out viewing the faith as a threat to the central control of the Roman Empire. Now that a huge chunk of the former Roman Empire is trying to coalesce into a single government known as the European Union, old patterns of persecution are emerging against Christianity.

I wonder if it will become sport to publicly humiliate and denigrate Christians as in pre-Constantine days. Time will tell.

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