Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Mark Falcoff on Chavez Reelection

I am some what of a neocon myself. I am thus even though it is out of harmony with Conservatives (Paleocons) and gleefully despised by Liberals.

One of my favorite neocon think tanks is the
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI).

Mark Falcoff of AEI gives a brilliant analysis of Hugo Chavez’s reelection as President of Venezuela. Falcoff points out that reelection should have been expected. Chavez has been tossing bones to the poor in Venezuela as a result of oil revenues from inflated oil prices. The poor love the bones.

Falcoff points out further that those oil prices will not bring in capital (ironic expectation from a socialist/Marxist) eternally for Chavez to schmooze the Venezuelans. When that day comes then the realization will occur that the gap between poor and wealthy in Venezuela has increased without any viable improvement to raise working standards for the poor. Indeed Caracas has the highest murder rate in the North and South American Hemisphere.

Falcoff postulates when oil prices fall and the realities of life hit Venezuela, Chavez will be tossed out.

You can read
Mark Falcoff’s essay HERE.

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