Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Al-Maliki Desires a Regional Conference

It is not yet 24 hours and al-Maliki is changing his mind about a regional meeting that might even include Iran and Syria. Al-Maliki initially wants a regional conference that that includes mostly Sunni Arab nations and wants the conference to take place in Iraq.

Bush had met earlier with Abdul-Aziz al-Hakim who is the leader of the largest political bloc in Iraq’s Parliament. Al-Hakim had rejected a regional conference.

There also have been suggestions that Bush convene a conference of Middle Eastern leaders to help resolve Iraq's sectarian strife. But today, al-Hakim rejected the idea that anyone but Iraqis should determine his country's fate. (SlantRight.com)

Both al-Hakim and al-Maliki are Shi’ites. Apparently there is a bit of political disagreement intenally in the midst of the fledgling Iraqi government.

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