Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Glum Picture for Israel

A Jerusalem Post article reporting Mossad Chief Meir Dagan’s analysis of Israel’s strategic position vis-à-vis the turmoil ongoing in the Middle East. It is a very positive outlook.

Dagan starts with the potential for Syria chomping at the bit to engage Israel in a war. Dagan implies Assad of Syria’s boldness is due to the successes that Hezbollah had in Lebanon.

Dagan lists five “serious threats” to Israel’s security:

1. Emboldened Syria trying to forcefully retake the Golan Heights.
2. Palestinian strife internally that is emerging as a civil war.
3. The Sunni/Shia violence.
4. Iraq Strife.
5. The Iran government building a nuclear arsenal.

Oil, Technology, the willingness of some in the West to share military grade technology, and the overt willingness of Russia and China exchanging military technology is all emerging as the greatest threat to Israel’s modern existence since it would founded in 1948.

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