Monday, December 11, 2006

Islamonazi Plot to Bomb Christmas Mall is Foiled in Chicago

Derik Sharif planned a terror attack in a Mall on the Friday before Christas.

This is a home grown American radical Mohammedan actually acting on his own. The FBI does not think Sharif was connected to al Qaeda or another terrorist organization.

It is time to be aware that radicalization is beginning upon American Mohammedans.

Culture wars are beginning here at home as well as abroad.


Ms.Green said...

I predict that as these instances occur more and more frequently, the story will always be the same - the individual acted on his own, independently of any organization. And he'll also be "mentally unbalanced" etc. etc.

The media is going to downplay every single one of these situations.

I wish to be proved wrong, but I don't think so.

SlantRight 2.0 said...

As long as American authorities comply with remaining "politically correct," then I agree with you. However if the frequency of individual radical Mohammedan plans increases AND if there is ever a tie to an outside terrorist organization, then I sense Americans will quite listening to the liberal media.