Wednesday, December 06, 2006

How Will Baker/Hamilton Report Affect Israel?

After listening to the Baker/Hamilton Iraq Report members on Fox news I came away with the two primary themes: U.S. strategy must change in Iraq and that American diplomacy should include and engage Syria and Iran.

I agree whole heartedly with the first, I am not so sure about the latter. Obviously the current strategy is not working in Iraq. Liberal and Conservative alike seem to agree that the Iraqi government is at fault. The Iraqi government simply is not doing enough on its own to reign in the tension between Shi’ites and Sunni and how those two groups are using foreign insurgents to promote their tribal-sectarian and religious agendas.

As to engaging Iran and Syria diplomatically to use their influence in Iraq, that has all the appearance of selling out
Israel’s national security* and potentially its existence. Syria will want the Golan Heights returned to them. The same Golan Heights Syria lost as a result of aggression to eliminate Israel in previous wars with Israel. Iran will wish to continue their nuclear weapons development. There are hints that America is willing to deal on that leverage to get troops out of Iraq. A nuclear armed Iran will be like a loaded gun pointed at the back of the head of Israel. It will be an attempt of thug-like execution to wipe Israel of the map.

*Jerusalem Post article below this cross post at

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