Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Hitler's Mideast helpers

Before was hijacked and dismembered by an attack I had a huge amount of articles on the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in the age of Hitler/Nazi aggression. My computer IT guy (actually my faithful son who put this website together) tells me he still has the info; however it would take forever to restore it.

In light of that tidbit of history I have found an Opinion article written by Max Boot. Boot does a wonderful job of relaying a mass of information in an enjoyably brief form.

Before I post Boot’s article which ties Hitler’s “Final Solution” to the current view of Mohammedans which is guided by Ahmadinejad (Shi’ites), Sunni Islamofascists (PLO, al Qaeda et al) and Holocaust Deniers in general, allow me to add a couple of details.

The Jerusalem Grand Mufti in question’s name was Haj Amin Husseini. The Grand Mufti had connections with the founder of Islamofascist Hasan al Banna. Both were directly connected to Adolf Hitler. The Grand Mufti caucused with Hitler to find ways that Mohammedans could aid the Nazi cause if Hitler emptied the Jews from the Holy Land.

One last tidbit: guess who was the nephew of Grand Mufti Haj Amin Husseini? It was PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat, the father of Palestinian terrorism, thuggery and murder.

Without further ado,
here is Max Boot’s article:

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