Mohammedan Shi’ites (probably Twelvers in particular) believe something that should provoke an immediate response in the mind of a Christian that studies Eschatology:
What is the Eschatological image that splashes into your mind when you read, “(the Mahdi) will reign on earth for seven years before bringing about a final judgment and the end of the world”?
Hello! Christians are taught that the anti-Christ will reign for seven years of Tribulation then at Christ’s Second Coming Satan, Anti-Christ and False Prophet are chained in a prison in Hell for a thousand years while Christ reigns on earth.
If Ahmadinejad’s Mahdi shows up it will be the anti-Christ. Ahmadinejad is doing his best to create the conditions that his deluded mind believes will coax the Mahdi’s return. Those conditions are global chaos.
Ahmadinejad has stated that both the Mahdi and Jesus will return to end repression on the earth. Since Iran is one of the most repressive nations on the planet, I am guessing ending repression is forcing the globe to convert to Mohammedanism or die.
Yes that sounds like the wickedness of the seven years of Tribulation.
Here is a Christian hypothesis: Allah = Satan, Mahdi = anti-Christ and Mohammedan concept of Jesus = False Prophet.
How is that for shirking off “Political Correctness?”
Dear friend here is some wisdom to realize. Radical Mohammedanism dominates the public agenda and the spirit of all Mohammedans (Arab, Iranian, African, Indonesian et al). The majority that call themselves moderate are intensely quiet when the riots, murders and bodily desecrations occur. Mohammedans have become so vocal that in the West (and America) we are so consumed with the fear of offending these devils, we look for statistics that validate that only a minority of Mohammedans are radicals.
This is ludicrous!
North American Mohammedan organizations such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and its Canadian brother (CAN-CAIR) were founded by known terrorists. Some of these founders are in jail and yet the American government reaches out to CAIR as the representative of Mohammedans in America.
Now I want to be clear in this declaration of frustration with the Western (and American) mindset. And I know it will sound like Bill Clinton saying, “I did not have sex with that woman.” The clarity I wish you to see is that I am not a racist. I do not hate Arab or Iranians. I think the self-proclaimed religion of Islam (I prefer Mohammedanism) is a danger to Liberty and Freedom as Western Society knows it. If American and European Mohammedans could assimilate in to the Western belief system of Liberty and Freedom, I would not have a problem with the practice of their faith.
Mohammedans cannot and forcefully choose not to assimilate into the West. Instead Mohammedans clamor for rights to follow their Sharia Law and Quran. This is a segregated exclusion that is not even afforded Christians and Jews of the Judeo/Christian heritage. Why should the West grant such exclusionary rights to Mohammedans that do not believe in Liberty and Freedom? Americans, Canadians and Europeans that provide such exclusionary rights are subjugating themselves to a foreign culture that will end Liberty and Freedom.
If America and Canada follow the path already taken in Europe, then rioting and retribution will evolve that will require extreme prejudice to combat both sides. It will make the rioting in Europe feel like a picnic.
So let us stop it NOW. Let us find a way in America (at least) to extend Liberty and Freedom to all EXCEPT when citizens have an agenda to end Liberty and Freedom.
[This WorldNetDaily report is what set me off: "Jesus, Mahdi both coming, says Iran's Ahmadinejad --In New Year's greeting to Christians worldwideasks what Christ would do if he were here today".]
Ahmadinejad then made a connection between Jesus and the Imam Mahdi, believed by Shiites to have disappeared as a child in A.D. 941. When the Mahdi returns, they contend, he will reign on earth for seven years before bringing about a final judgment and the end of the world. (Emphasis mine. WND)
What is the Eschatological image that splashes into your mind when you read, “(the Mahdi) will reign on earth for seven years before bringing about a final judgment and the end of the world”?
Hello! Christians are taught that the anti-Christ will reign for seven years of Tribulation then at Christ’s Second Coming Satan, Anti-Christ and False Prophet are chained in a prison in Hell for a thousand years while Christ reigns on earth.
If Ahmadinejad’s Mahdi shows up it will be the anti-Christ. Ahmadinejad is doing his best to create the conditions that his deluded mind believes will coax the Mahdi’s return. Those conditions are global chaos.
Ahmadinejad has stated that both the Mahdi and Jesus will return to end repression on the earth. Since Iran is one of the most repressive nations on the planet, I am guessing ending repression is forcing the globe to convert to Mohammedanism or die.
Yes that sounds like the wickedness of the seven years of Tribulation.
Here is a Christian hypothesis: Allah = Satan, Mahdi = anti-Christ and Mohammedan concept of Jesus = False Prophet.
How is that for shirking off “Political Correctness?”
Dear friend here is some wisdom to realize. Radical Mohammedanism dominates the public agenda and the spirit of all Mohammedans (Arab, Iranian, African, Indonesian et al). The majority that call themselves moderate are intensely quiet when the riots, murders and bodily desecrations occur. Mohammedans have become so vocal that in the West (and America) we are so consumed with the fear of offending these devils, we look for statistics that validate that only a minority of Mohammedans are radicals.
This is ludicrous!
North American Mohammedan organizations such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and its Canadian brother (CAN-CAIR) were founded by known terrorists. Some of these founders are in jail and yet the American government reaches out to CAIR as the representative of Mohammedans in America.
Now I want to be clear in this declaration of frustration with the Western (and American) mindset. And I know it will sound like Bill Clinton saying, “I did not have sex with that woman.” The clarity I wish you to see is that I am not a racist. I do not hate Arab or Iranians. I think the self-proclaimed religion of Islam (I prefer Mohammedanism) is a danger to Liberty and Freedom as Western Society knows it. If American and European Mohammedans could assimilate in to the Western belief system of Liberty and Freedom, I would not have a problem with the practice of their faith.
Mohammedans cannot and forcefully choose not to assimilate into the West. Instead Mohammedans clamor for rights to follow their Sharia Law and Quran. This is a segregated exclusion that is not even afforded Christians and Jews of the Judeo/Christian heritage. Why should the West grant such exclusionary rights to Mohammedans that do not believe in Liberty and Freedom? Americans, Canadians and Europeans that provide such exclusionary rights are subjugating themselves to a foreign culture that will end Liberty and Freedom.
If America and Canada follow the path already taken in Europe, then rioting and retribution will evolve that will require extreme prejudice to combat both sides. It will make the rioting in Europe feel like a picnic.
So let us stop it NOW. Let us find a way in America (at least) to extend Liberty and Freedom to all EXCEPT when citizens have an agenda to end Liberty and Freedom.
[This WorldNetDaily report is what set me off: "Jesus, Mahdi both coming, says Iran's Ahmadinejad --In New Year's greeting to Christians worldwideasks what Christ would do if he were here today".]
you seem to be a very angry person. i hope that one day you will be able to love ALL people regardless of their race or religion.
anonymous said: "you seem to be a very angry person. i hope that one day you will be able to love ALL people regardless of their race or religion."
Anonymous you must be either a liberal or a Mohammedan. The reason I suspect this is that you excuse Mohammedan acts of violence that have occured since the beginning of their history. You exist in a tunnel vision which views self-protection as racism.
That is the typical victimhood of a Mohammedan trying to divert the attention from the atrocious act of heinous violence that particular faith has executed on other faiths since Mohammed extermined a tribe of Jews near Medina.
Check it out, I have no problem with Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, atheists and any other faith (maybe Satanism) practicing their faith. The prime directive of those other faiths are not to force conversion or to oppress so bad that a dhimmi converts to Mohammedanism.
I do have a problem with Mohammedans exterminating Christians (initial vile conquests), Buddhists and Hindus. The Buddhists and Hindus have even received greater demonstrations of murder than the Christians.
I am not a racist, I am anti-Mohammedan.
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