Islamofascist Jihad has a pipe dream: world domination. Here is the map to prove it.
Their goal is complete world Mohammedanism in the next 100 years.
Mohammedanism is a threat to Western secularism and Christianity. The two have a common enemy in Mohammedanism. The secular humanists would be murdered immediately under Mohammedan domination. Christians that did not convert to the death cult might get lucky and receive dhimmitude.
Dhimmitude is the second class status that devolves a human to slavery and the recipient of Mohammedan violence.
Do we want to go there? I do not wish that kind of life. If resistance is not executed while the Mohammedan goals are mere pipe dreams, then the futility of our lives will increase more and more.
Here is a link thanks to Red Hot Cuppa Politics Blog that explain the details of the map: CLICK HERE.
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