Know Thyself Blog
John R. Houk
March 21, 2006
Later 20th Century historians have not been kind to The Crusades. The Crusaders have been portrayed as barbarous butchers greedy for plunder and booty.
Islamofascist terrorists lay the barbarity of the Crusaders as their greatest charge against Christendom as violent plunderers. It is almost as a justification for Islamofascist violence, murder and destruction in 21st Century.
The truth of the matter is that largely illiterate Crusaders set out to redeem the Holy Land stolen by ruthless Mohammedan death cult raiders. The land conquered by Mohammedans often came with the proviso to honor their prophet and their allah or die. O yes, people of the book could live a life of dhimmitude (semi-slavery) as long as (again) their prophet and allah was not insulted.
As expected huge amounts of Christians converted to Mohammedanism to live a daily life. This largely exposed Christendom of the East as not as dedicated to their faith. Those remained Christians were dedicated because then as today they face a death accusation every morning they awake.
Now I mention all this because the Papacy is beginning to take a stand that the Crusades were not as wicked as the Mohammedans portrayed them. In fact a short history of Mohammedan conquests and treatment of other religions from the 600's AD to the present will demonstrate a constant abuse.
[**The Vatican Story is at the Know Thyself Blog and Slantright.com]
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