Introverts anonymous
Mr. Olmert now calls it not hitnatkut, “disengagement”, but hitkansut, or going-into-oneself, often rendered as “convergence”. A better word, if it existed in English, would be “introvergence”. It is a fitting description. Israel plans to tuck itself in behind the barrier it began building four years ago in the West Bank, withdraw from the land on the other side, pull the settlers living there back over, and hunker down.
As well it might. The plan, though still vague, involves keeping three large settlement blocks that jut out into the West Bank, hindering Palestinian movement. The current gap between Maale Adumim, the largest settlement, and Jerusalem will be filled in with houses, slicing the Palestinian area into two. Almost all of Jerusalem, which is a core Palestinian as well as Israeli city, will be inaccessible to Palestinians. Israel will keep control of the border with Jordan and possibly also the sparsely populated Jordan Valley, as a security buffer. Otniel Shneller, a Kadima candidate who used to head the Yesha Council, the association of settlement mayors, says Israel could also keep its settlements in and near Hebron, arranging shared access to the tombs that are sacred to both Jews and Muslims.
A Palestinian state under such constraints would not prosper. So long as Israel controls its borders, it would not even count as sovereign. It would be much like Gaza since the disengagement. Citing intelligence reports of planned terrorist attacks, Israel has kept Gaza's main border-crossing for goods closed more often than open since the start of the year, causing serious food shortages and leaving Gazan fruit and vegetable exports worth millions of dollars to rot. Such friction between security and economics would keep the West Bank poor and angry, encouraging attacks across the border.But if the polls are to be believed, Israelis see no other choice. Kadima will get ... (
The Israeli's have a perception of a rock and a hard place and many view this is the best option of a lot of bad options. Will Convergence/Introvergence save the day? Many sense that it will increase the violence. Many take the stand the violence is inevitable and Convergence will better contain the violence.
Palestinian Arabs will view it as interference in the future sovereignty of their undeserved national state. Thus the future clash will be inevitable.
Evangelical Christians and Orthodox Jews view the Convergence plan as a relinquishing of God's Promised Land to Unbelievers. Christians and Jews agree on this but for different reasons. Christians put their beliefs in the prophetic return of Jesus Christ. To be honest I am not sure of the Orthodox Jewish view, I am just certain it does not relate to Christ. I am a Christian and have not investigated the Jewish reason. If I was to speculate the Jewish position probably centers on a Davidic Messiah and the Promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Maybe someone can help me on the Orthodox Jewish reasons for not giving up their land to Mohammedans.
The ultimate result will be conflict as long as Mohammedans insist on the destruction of Israel. I pray that American continues to back Israel's existence. I place no hope in the conscience of anti-Semitic Europeans. The EU is very supportive of the PA and thus Hamas and also ergo to Islamofascist terrorism. The EU is cutting its own throat in that misguided support.
So, let us wait for the convergence of conflict and violence.
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