Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Disengagement delusion

One can understand the allure that "disengagement" might bring security if not peace to Israel. It is obvious the "Zion" in the Zionist State has been worn down by a half a century of Terror by Islamofascist. Frank Gaffney does not believe "disengagement" will work. However, Frank does not offer any viable options either. Frank thinks "disengagement" from the PA would result in the same thing disengagement in Iraq for America would accomplish: a bolder enemy.

I think Frank is correct and incorrect. I think disengagement will embolden Islamofascists to riskier and more reckless insanity. I think he is incorrect in that Islamofascists already sense an accomplishment. Islamofascist need to be transformed in their religion or confronted in massive ways that have them retreating into holes in cave and mountains. They are evil people!
The first delusion is that the Israeli electorate is voting -- as it has done time and time again over the past 14 years -- for someone who promises them security in the face of an increasingly virulent threat from the Palestinian community. Currently, the Palestinians are led by Hamas, a terrorist organization explicitly committed to the destruction of the Jewish State. A succession of previous prime ministers have run on such a platform, then proceeded to indulge in various diplomatic maneuvers that have put Israel at still greater risk.

The second delusion is that what amounts to cutting-and-running -- in this case, it is running behind a security fence, yet remaining within easy range of artillery and rocket fire -- will make matters better. In fact, Mr. Olmert's plan for turning over much of the high ground of the West Bank, its vital aquifers and strategic depth in the immediate wake of Hamas' electoral victory can only embolden those and other Islamofascist enemies of freedom. It will compound the danger they pose, not only to Israel but to all of us.

This is not idle speculation. The results of Mr. Sharon's earlier disengagement from Gaza are already evident: The ascendancy of the most unabashedly hostile of Israel's foes; the creation of new Taliban-style safe-havens for terrorists (including al Qaeda); and a metastasizing threat as Russia, the European Union and the United Nations seek to legitimate Hamas, even as Kadima proposes to reward it with further territorial concessions. (Read the entire essay at Slantright.com)

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