Thursday, March 16, 2006

New Feudalism - Will it Emerge?

When the Western Roman Empire ultimate began its collapse, the people found themselves without a system of protection from barbarians and plunderers. The old Pax Romana no longer was able to ensure the domestic tranquility. Out of self-preservation strongman began to emerge among the people that were of wealth due land ownership. These strongmen supplied trained fighters that became soldiers for the land owners. The land owners became nobles and associations of nobles became kingdoms. The poor became serfs tied to the land as a necessity for protection. Thus feudalism emerged in the Western World after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire.

I came across an essay by John Robb. The essay describes the emergence of a new feudalism. The nation/state system will become rendered increasingly irrelevant as terrorists (the new barbarians) become more and more innovative with ubiquitous technology that is currently available to all. Thus the cycle of civilization collapse and recycle continues in his vision.

Robb is writing this essay for "Fast Company Magazine." He entitled it, Security: Power to the People. His premise is apparently built on private citizens wishing to protect themselves and property. He writes of neighborhood associations galvanized into fighting forces for protection and scaling to the corporate level of corporation associations protecting their interests. It is a description of a Libertarian Utopia stratified by levels of protection associations because governments have become impotent in their ability to enhance life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Fascinating!

To read John Robb's article go the link preceding this commentary.

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