Wednesday, December 19, 2007

There is a Homosexual Agenda Aimed at your Children

I often read from antagonistic Lefties and homosexual addicts that there is no agenda to transform America into the morally relative thinking of acceptance of sinful and lecherous homosexuality as something beyond an alternative lifestyle, rather the agenda is to manipulate the moral thinking of Americans that homosexuality is normal and biological and thus non-acceptance and criticism fall into the descriptive words of hate-speech, bias, prejudice and bigotry.

Of course there is an agenda and
I am finding out the homosexual programming begins in the California Public School system as early as two years old.

Think of that! The State is programming moral relativity and prohibiting NORMAL keys for training children such as Christian Morality or even that heterosexuality is normal.

If it is happening in California, what other Left leaning State (or Conservative State with a Leftie Judiciary) are programming our children to a proclivity of homosexuality and prohibiting the normalcy of Christianity and heterosexuality? For example when stories are read references to “Mom and Dad” or “Husband and Wife” are expunged and replaced with homosexual friendly terminology.

God Bless America and God HELP America from the evil devices inspired by the Accuser and Deceiver; it is such subtle deception that separated humanity from the Creator and twisting humanity in the Fall of human nature. Thank God there is a Deliverer that will ultimately shine light where such humanistic darkness pervades.


1 comment:

SlantRight 2.0 said...

If you are a deviant homosexual that attempts to justify their immoral aberrant behavior by telling yourself that Biblical Morality is a myth you will love "Anonymous'" link.

If you are a Biblical Christian you may wish to avoid "Anonymous'" because trashes Christianity thus making the homosexuals the true bigots.