Monday, December 17, 2007

Jihad U.

Prisons, jails and detention centers are becoming Jihad Universities for recruitment in America. These places are designed for punished for the convicted and restraint for the accused. How can Law Enforcement whether managed by the government or a private company under government contract allow this to happen?

Greater inspection of incarcerated written material and religious meetings (particularly of the Mohammedan kind) needs to be increased.

This should not be a First Amendment issue for convicted felons who have made the choice to challenge the rule of law by breaking it; however the innocent until proven guilty incarcerated may have to find how far Free Speech issues can be limited if it is incitement toward conspiracy to break the law further by teaching jihad/Islamist terrorism.

(Hat tip to
Stakelbeck on Terror)


Anonymous said...

These places are designed for punished for the convicted and restraint for the accused. How can Law Enforcement whether managed by the government or a private company under government contract allow this to happen?

Syntax suggestions:
punishing the convicted
restraining the accused

The next sentence need punctuation, although a complete reordering would be better.

SlantRight 2.0 said...

Anonymous I agree and it is mind bogglingly unbelievable.

The syntax: Grammar has never been a strong suit. Thank God for spell check or many might think I am an illegal alien.
