Monday, December 31, 2007

Huckabee says Romney owes him apology

Remember to vote for Fred in ’08. That being said and knowing the current polls in Iowa seem to favor Huckabee, Romney and McCain and not my man Fred; I have to talk about the political war between Romney and Huckabee.

Do you recall
at the end of one the Republican Debates Huckabee came up to Romney to apologize about an interview that would appear in the NYT Magazine that be construed as publicly criticizing Mormonism yet that was not the intent? And that Romney accepted that apology with a brandishment that one’s religion should not be an issue among legitimate issues in the electoral process.

Now Huckabee is saying that Romney owes him an apology for the
negative campaign ads that blatantly are lying about Huckabee and making claims for Romney that are outrageously untrue.

JRH 12/31/07

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