Sunday, December 16, 2007

One Pro-Terrorist Juror and the HLF

Remember the Holy Land Foundation mistrial that occurred not too long ago in Dallas because of a hung jury? I was totally mystified how such a compendium of evidence would result in a hung jury.

Well now that mystification has a little clarity. It turns out that
ONE juror – William Neal – perjured himself in the jury selection portion of the trial. And as far as I am concerned the Prosecution totally bungled the jury selection in allowing Neal to be selected as a Juror.

You have to be thinking by now: “Why! Why! Why! Do you have the audacity to single out one juror as the reason for the occurrence of a hung jury?

After interviewing the jurors it was discovered that Neal whole sale supported the terrorists Hamas as a legitimate political cause and bled Leftism and anti-Israel verbage in an overbearing manner to the whole jury. In effect
Neal bullied jurors to vote his way which was ONLY not guilty through out the deliberations. The jurors that switched to Neal’s version most likely did so to go home. The jurors that did not give in to Neal’s blatant manipulation voted for justice; however no justice was served because of Neal’s blatant pro-Arab which call themselves Palestinians mentality. Really if you think about it Neal in essence supports (cogently or unconsciously) the evil, the destruction, and the murder of innocent lives which Islamist terrorism represents.


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