Monday, November 19, 2007

What is the IAEA and the MSM Thinking?

The International Atomic Energy Agency has said recently that Iran is “generally truthful about key aspects of its nuclear history”.

Apparently there is some mix up with IAEA or possibly the Mainstream Media (MSM) is reporting aspects of IAEA findings to add confusion about Iran’s nuclear program. The reason I say this is the IAEA seems to be reporting two opposite sides of the old coin.

Middle East Forum (MEF) observes IAEA reports don’t seem to match the emphasis of a peaceful nuclear program in Iran:

    “IAEA inspectors discovered traces of uranium metal used to build bombs, not fuel reactors. IAEA inspectors also found that Iran had experimented with chemical separation of polonium, a material used to initiate nuclear detonation.”

Now does that sound like Iran is reporting the truth about key aspects of its nuclear history? It is the truth only if you are a moron.

Either the IAEA is lying or the MSM is misreporting or both.

Bad ole’ Democrat Senator Byrd has taken umbrage to President Bush’s statement concerning Iran:

    “’If you're interested in avoiding World War III,’ he said, it's necessary to deny the Islamic Republic ‘the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon.’”

Senate Byrd apparently wishes to be Ahmadinejad’s dhimmi by the tone of his retort:

    (Byrd) “… accused the President's (sic) of using ‘rhetorical ghosts and goblins to scare the American people, with claims of an imminent nuclear threat in Iran.’”

Does finding traces of uranium metal used to build bombs and experimentation with the chemical separation of polonium which is used to initiate nuclear detonation sound ghosts and goblins to scare the American people or the clandestine manufacturing of nuclear weapons?


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