Israel has NO Sovereignty of Temple Mount
According to Muslim Member of Olmert’s Cabinet
Here is a keen look at the mind of a Mohammedan.
At the Israel’s Knesset (a parliamentary version of America’s Congress) Israel’s first Mohammedan-Arab Cabinet member spoke as Minister of Science, Culture and Sport, meaning he spoke as a member of the government of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
Minister Raleb Majadle declared that he was a Muslim first and an Israeli citizen second. Furthermore Majadle respects the rule of law in Israel; however wherever Israeli law contradicts Mohammedan law, Majadle made it clear he will err on the side of Mohammedan law.
The interaction at the Knesset was between MK Aryeh Eldad and Minister Majadle concerning Mohammedan mutilation of the Temple Mount by the irresponsible Waqf (Mohammedan organization representing Jordan) that was allowed to maintain Administration of the Temple Mount after Israel re-instated their land from a victory after a Jordanian invasion in 1967.
As a representative of Prime Minister Olmert’s government; Minister Majadle maintained Israel has no sovereignty over the Temple Mount, it belongs to Mohammedans.
I don’t have a problem with Majadle’s freedom of religion in the Middle East’s only Western democracy; I feel the same way about Christianity. The problem I have is the Temple Mount should be and currently is under the sovereignty of Israel – the Homeland of all Jews who wish to live there free of government persecution due to their faith and/or race.
Another problem I have with Majadle’s statement is that Mohammedanism makes zero effort to accommodate those of Judaic or Christian faith who regard the Temple Mount of more preeminent Holiness than do Mohammedans. Mohammedans have Mecca and Medina for their principle land of Holiness. Intolerant Mohammedans should not manage the Temple Mount; it should be managed by Israel (which is way more tolerant pertaining to religious sensitivity of different religions) and open to all Jews, Christians and Mohammedans.
There comes a time when political unpleasantness demands fairness for all who have a sensitive relationship religiously to a place. When Turkish Mohammedans conquered Constantinople in 1453 they wasted no time in islamicizing the city. The Ottoman Turks renamed Constantinople into Istanbul AND one of the most venerated Cathedrals in Christendom – the Hagia Sophia – was turned into a mosque.
Israel should at the very least Judaize the Temple Mount as the Christians Christianized it and then the Mohammedans Islamicized it. I realize Israel is a secular society; however viewing the examples of Mohammedans ravenously desecrating Jewish holy sites and synagogues as the Sharon/Olmert government forced Jews to leave Gaza and immanently the West Bank, you know the promoters of a second Jewish Holocaust will Islamicize the Land Jews rebuilt after Mohammedan Arabs abandoned it to unviable use for agriculture and industry.
You have to be aware if Olmert gives up East Jerusalem in which the Wailing (Western) Wall portion of the Temple is accessible to Jews, something horrible will happen. It could be as little a taunting of refusal to allow Jews back or simply the complete archaeological elimination of every artifact that points to Jewish history. This is the very thing the Waqf is doing in their Administered portion of the Temple Mount.

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