Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Left-Fascism Awareness Week and Free Speech

Were you aware of Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week of October 22 – 26, 2007? It was a week in which David Horowitz sponsored a tour of experts to speak at Colleges across the nation about Islamist Theo-political ideology and its dangers. Horowitz had to receive an invitation from a College/University or a group affiliated with said College/University.

Well certainly the Mainstream Media (MSM) and Leftists Professors became aware. There was inspiration from some academia to Left Wing Affiliated groups to not respect “Free Speech” and heckle and disrupt the speaking engagements.

Imagine if Conservative anti-jihadists heckled Ahmadinejad who was invited by Left leaning Ivy League University Columbia to speak. The MSM would have had a field day of condemnation accusing Conservatives of being rude fascists interrupting the “Free Speech” of man that has been involved in actions hostile to Americans since the very beginning of the Khomeini Iranian Revolution in the late Seventies. Ahmadinejad was one of the key figures that held Americans hostage at the American Embassy in Tehran under President Carter’s Administration. It has been speculated that he was even involved in torture of those Americans (which is far above what the Left calls torture in by American Intelligence).

Don Feder believes the Slanted Right should go to the next level probably due to the lack of balanced respect for “Free Speech” on the part of the Slanted Left. Feder is arbitrarily (via a personal concerned journalistic perspective) calling for the week of November fifth to be “Left-Fascism Awareness Week.”

Although I doubt that Feder has the resources of a Horowitz to construct a National tour, the point is the LEFT are closer to fascism then the Slanted Right.

For example both Hitler’s Nazi party and Mussolini’s fascist movement were Slanted Left movements, not right wing movements as the Leftist propagandists might have the average American believe.

The word “Nazi” was a German acronym for National Socialist German Workers Party. Hello! The words “socialist” and “workers” are Leftist terms.

Here is an excerpt from a Sheldon Richman article written in The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics about Mussolini’s fascism:

    The best example of a fascist economy is the regime of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. Holding that liberalism (by which he meant freedom and free markets) had "reached the end of its historical function," Mussolini wrote:

    "To Fascism the world is not this material world, as it appears on the surface, where Man is an individual separated from all others and left to himself.... Fascism affirms the State as the true reality of the individual."

    This collectivism is captured in the word fascism, which comes from the Latin fasces, meaning a bundle of rods with an axe in it. In economics, fascism was seen as a third way between laissez-faire capitalism and communism. Fascist thought acknowledged the roles of private property and the profit motive as legitimate incentives for productivity—provided that they did not conflict with the interests of the state.

    Fascism in Italy grew out of two other movements: syndicalism and nationalism. The syndicalists believed that economic life should be governed by groups representing the workers in various industries and crafts. The nationalists, angered by Italy's treatment after World War I, combined the idea of class struggle with that of national struggle. Italy was a proletarian nation, they said, and to win a greater share of the world's wealth, all of Italy's classes must unite. Mussolini was a syndicalist who turned nationalist during World War I.

Did you catch the words “class struggle” and “proletarian?” Again, Fascism is a variation of Slanted Left concepts not the concepts of Freedom, Liberty and Individualistic Rights by government manipulation of the citizens of a nation.

Equating fascism with right wingers is the typical propagandist lie of left wingers.

Ergo friends, support Feder’s call for a Left-Fascism Awareness Week on a personal level. Educate a friend, a co-worker or write in a blog or editorialize in your local newspaper. You will probably discover first hand what fascism is truly like. You will be shouted down in an encounter with a Leftist or censored by a newspaper, for that is the nature of the “Free Speech” from the Slanted Left.

JRH (Hat tip towards CD of Blind Conservatives)

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