Sunday, January 08, 2006

Jews are Plenty Dumb

I guess this is as close as you can get to anti-semitism and be absolutely correct at the same time! Apparently Israel has its own liberal morons to contend with. For Israel to disarm WMD is like a frontiersman taking the bullets out of his rifle when the bear is charging - STUPID!
Who said the Jews were smart? Huh?

Writing in Ha'aretz, (the Israeli equivalent of the New York Times when it comes to undermining national security), an Israeli academic suggested that the solution to Iran's acquisition of nuclear weapons is for Israel "to initiate nuclear disarmament". By undertaking this "diplomatic initiative", according to the learned professor, "Israel could bring real international pressure to bear" on Iran.

In December 2001 former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani publicly proclaimed that a single Iranian nuke could completely devastate Israel, but Iran, with its 70 million people, could sustain an Israeli nuclear retaliatory strike. More recently we have heard Iran's current President calling for Israel to be wiped off the map. These unequivocal statements of intent were made while Iran is going full speed ahead with its covert efforts to develop nuclear weapons and their delivery systems. hat tip Brigiite Gabriel

More wildly dumb self destructive Jews here.

Did you hear the one about the Jews who paid a thousand dollars a plate to hear Bill Clinton speak — after he sold Israel down the river (by rewarding genocide bombings with more land)?

Or the one about the Jews who are still loyal to a political party whose members pass out 9/11-Israel conspiracy literature at public forums?

What about the Jews who heard that most Muslims would be voting for John Kerry and so they voted for John Kerry?

Now, did you hear the one about the Jew who dropped his watch in the subway tracks but decided to look for it on the platform because it was easier? His name is Abe Foxman, and he's officially given up on the ADL's mission. For those who didn't read between the lines of Foxman's recent attack on Evangelical Christians, it was a surrender of even the semblance of being relevant in the age of jihad, and a way back to fixating on bogeymen in America.

According to a recent Jewish Week article, Foxman said, "It is time to start naming names and judging the motives of leading conservative Christian groups, and not simply respond to their specific policy initiatives."

.......if Hitler were running as a gun-control Democrat today, he'd get the Jewish vote.
"What could be more bigoted than to claim that you have a monopoly on G-d?" Yoffie [Eric Yoffie — the Union for Reform (i.e. Liberal) Judaism president} asked at the Reform movement's national assembly in Houston two weeks ago.

Is this a trick question? Um, beheading Christian children in Indonesia? Ethnically cleansing non-Muslims? Executing gays in Iran and torturing them in Egypt? Am I getting warm? Genocide bombings in Israel?

According to the report, "the audience of 5,000 [Dumb Jews] responded to the speech with enthusiastic applause."

Bottom line here is, this is not a religious issue. It is a left right issue. It's not Jew vs. Christian vs. Buddists vs................

It's Right vs. wrong left.

1 comment:

SlantRight 2.0 said...

I forgot to mention that this post was curtesy of Atlas Shrugs.